7085 Cargo type classification code
7085 Cargo type classification code
Code specifying the classification of a type of cargo.
String (AN)
Max 3 / Min 1
<> 1
Printed, typed or written matter including leaflets, pamphlets, certificates etc., which are not subject to import duties and taxes, restrictions and prohibitions.
<> 2
Low value non-dutiable consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods in respect of which Customs duties and other taxes are waived as they are below a value determined by the Customs administration.
<> 3
Low value dutiable consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods in respect of which Customs duties and other taxes are payable are below a certain amount as determined by the Customs administration.
<> 4
High value consignments
Imported consignments/items/goods which are determined as having a value above a certain amount fixed by the Customs administration, which may or may not attract duties and taxes.
<> 5
Other non-containerized
Non-containerized cargo which cannot be categorized by any of the other nature of cargo code.
<> 6
Vehicles which are not stowed in containers.
<> 7
Roll-on roll-off
Cargo transported or to be transported on roll-on roll- off vessels and which is transportable on its own wheels or stowed on special heavy duty trailers.
<> 8
Non-containerized cargo which is palletized.
<> 9
Cargo stowed or to be stowed in a container.
<> 10
Non-containerized cargo stowed in vessels' holds.
<> 11
Hazardous cargo
Cargo with dangerous properties, according to appropriate dangerous goods regulations.
<> 12
General cargo
Cargo of a general nature, not otherwise specified.
<> 13
Liquid cargo
Cargo in liquid form.
<> 14
Temperature controlled cargo
Cargo transported under specified temperature conditions.
<> 15
Environmental pollutant cargo
Cargo is an environmental pollutant.
<> 16
Not-hazardous cargo
Cargo which is not hazardous.
<> 17
Cargo transported under diplomatic conditions.
<> 18
Cargo for military purposes.
<> 19
Cargo that is objectionable to human senses.
<> 20
Out of gauge
Cargo that has at least one non-standard dimension.
<> 21
Household goods and personal effects
Cargo consisting of household goods and personal effects.
<> 22
Frozen cargo
Cargo of frozen products.
<> 23
Ballast only
No cargo, means of transport is carrying only ballast.
<> 24
Incompatible cargo
Incompatible cargo to be transported / stored with other types of cargo.
<> 25
Deep-frozen cargo
Cargo of deep-frozen products.