1650 Shipment Status Code
1650 Shipment Status Code
Code indicating the status of a shipment
Max 2 / Min 2
<> A3
Shipment Returned to Shipper
<> A7
Refused by Consignee
<> A9
Shipment Damaged
<> AF
Carrier Departed Pick-up Location with Shipment
<> AG
Estimated Delivery
<> AH
Attempted Delivery
<> AI
Shipment has been Reconsigned
<> AJ
Tendered for Delivery
<> AM
Loaded on Truck
<> AN
Diverted to Air Carrier
<> AP
Delivery Not Completed
<> AR
Rail Arrival at Destination Intermodal Ramp
<> AV
Available for Delivery
<> B6
Estimated to Arrive at Carrier Terminal
<> BA
Connecting Line or Cartage Pick-up
<> BC
Storage in Transit
<> C1
Estimated to Depart Terminal Location
<> CA
Shipment Cancelled
<> CB
Completed Shipment
<> CD
Carrier Departed Delivery Location
<> CL
Trailer Closed Out
<> CP
Completed Loading at Pick-up Location
<> D1
Completed Unloading at Delivery Location
<> I1
<> J1
Delivered to Connecting Line
<> K1
Arrived at Customs
<> L1
<> OA
<> OO
Paperwork Received - Did not Receive Shipment or Equipment
<> P1
Departed Terminal Location
<> PA
Partial Shipment
<> PR
U.S. Customs Hold at In-Bond Location
<> R1
Received from Prior Carrier
<> RA
Carrier Arrived at Rail Ramp
<> RD
Carrier Departed Rail Ramp
<> RL
Rail Departure from Origin Intermodal Ramp
<> S1
Trailer Spotted at Consignee's Location
<> SD
Shipment Delayed
<> X1
Arrived at Delivery Location
<> X2
Estimated Date and/or Time of Arrival at Consignee's Location
<> X3
Arrived at Pick-up Location
<> X4
Arrived at Terminal Location
<> X5
Arrived at Delivery Location Loading Dock
<> X6
En Route to Delivery Location
<> X8
Arrived at Pick-up Location Loading Dock
<> XB
Shipment Acknowledged