1651 Shipment Status or Appointment Reason Code
1651 Shipment Status or Appointment Reason Code
Code indicating the reason a shipment status or appointment reason was transmitted
Max 2 / Min 2
<> A1
Missed Delivery
<> A2
Incorrect Address
<> A3
Indirect Delivery
<> A5
Unable to Locate
<> A6
Address Corrected - Delivery Attempted
<> AA
<> AD
Customer Requested Future Delivery
<> AE
Restricted Articles Unacceptable
<> AF
<> AG
Consignee Related
<> AH
Driver Related
<> AI
Mechanical Breakdown
<> AJ
Other Carrier Related
<> AK
Damaged, Rewrapped in Hub
<> AL
Previous Stop
<> AM
Shipper Related
<> AN
Holiday - Closed
<> AO
Weather or Natural Disaster Related
<> AP
Awaiting Export
<> AQ
Recipient Unavailable - Delivery Delayed
<> AR
Improper International Paperwork
<> AS
Hold Due to Customs Documentation Problems
<> AT
Unable to Contact Recipient for Broker Information
<> AU
Civil Event Related Delay
<> AV
Exceeds Service Limitations
<> AW
Past Cut-off Time
<> AX
Insufficient Pick-up Time
<> AY
Missed Pick-up
<> AZ
Alternate Carrier Delivered
<> B1
Consignee Closed
<> B2
Trap for Customer
<> B4
Held for Payment
<> B5
Held for Consignee
<> B8
Improper Unloading Facility or Equipment
<> B9
Receiving Time Restricted
<> BB
Held per Shipper
<> BC
Missing Documents
<> BD
Border Clearance
<> BE
Road Conditions
<> BF
Carrier Keying Error
<> BG
<> BH
Insufficient Time to Complete Delivery
<> BI
Cartage Agent
<> BJ
Customer Wanted Earlier Delivery
<> BK
Prearranged Appointment
<> BL
Held for Protective Service
<> BM
Flatcar Shortage
<> BN
Failed to Release Billing
<> BO
Railroad Failed to Meet Schedule
<> BP
Load Shifted
<> BQ
Shipment Overweight
<> BR
Train Derailment
<> BS
Refused by Customer
<> BT
Returned to Shipper
<> C1
Waiting for Customer Pick-up
<> C2
Credit Hold
<> C3
Suspended at Customer Request
<> C4
Customer Vacation
<> C5
Customer Strike
<> C6
Waiting Shipping Instructions
<> C7
Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier
<> C8
Collect on Delivery Required
<> C9
Cash Not Available From Consignee
<> CA
Customs (Import or Export)
<> CB
No Requested Arrival Date Provided by Shipper
<> CC
No Requested Arrival Time Provided by Shipper
<> D1
Carrier Dispatch Error
<> D2
Driver Not Available
<> F1
Non-Express Clearance Delay
<> F2
International Non-carrier Delay
<> HB
Held Pending Appointment
<> P1
Processing Delay
<> P2
Waiting Inspection
<> P3
Production Falldown
<> P4
Held for Full Carrier Load
<> RC
<> S1
Delivery Shortage
<> T1
Tractor With Sleeper Car Not Available
<> T2
Tractor, Conventional, Not Available
<> T3
Trailer not Available
<> T4
Trailer Not Usable Due to Prior Product
<> T5
Trailer Class Not Available
<> T6
Trailer Volume Not Available
<> T7
Insufficient Delivery Time