152 Special Handling Code
152 Special Handling Code
Code specifying special transportation handling instructions
Max 3 / Min 2
<> 00
Delivery of Fuel into Underground Storage Tank
<> 01
Delivery of Fuel into Above Ground Storage Tank
<> 15
Speed Restricted to 15 Miles per Hour
<> 25
Speed Restricted to 25 Miles per Hour
<> 35
Speed Restricted to 35 Miles per Hour
<> 45
Speed Restricted to 45 Miles per Hour
<> 045
Advanced Fee
<> 170
Certificate of Origin
<> 405
Fuel Surcharge Authorized
<> 510
Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii Service
<> 520
Oversized Premium
<> 550
Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
<> 555
Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
<> 565
Preparation of Export Entry
<> 570
Preparation of Insurance Certificate
<> 585
Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
<> 665
Saturday Delivery
<> 670
Saturday Pickup
<> 675
Security Signature Service
<> 761
Written Proof of Delivery
<> A1M
Aggregate 1000
<> A3M
Aggregate 3000
<> A5M
Aggregate 5000
<> AA
No Facial Hair
<> AAS
Attendants Accompanying
<> AB
Car is Air Brake Controlled
<> AC
Customer Required Packing List
<> AD
Customer Required PRO Number
<> ADL
Advance Loading
<> AE
Customer Required Appointment Number
<> AF
Load on Top of Residue (Heel)
<> AFN
Air Craft Furnished and Not Used
<> AG
Dispose of Residue (Heel)
<> AGG
Aggregate Tender Discount
<> AGS
Armed Guard Service
<> AH
Humidity Sensitive Shipment
<> AIB
Additional Injection/Blending Service
<> AK
Attachment - Auto Keys
<> ALP
Port Changes
<> ALT
Use of Alternate Terminal
<> AMM
A.M. Delivery Requirement
<> ANC
Anchoring and Unanchoring
<> APD
Additional Copy of Shipping Papers for Proof of Delivery
<> APL
Appliance Servicing
<> ARC
Air Conditioning Disconnect and Connect
<> ARG
Rail Armed Guard Service
<> ARR
Air Ride Tractor Service
<> ART
Air Ride Truck Service
<> ASY
Assembly Service Requested
<> AT
Attachment to Move with Car
<> AUX
Auxiliary Service
<> AV
Annual Volume
<> AW
Attachments - Advance Only Waybill
<> BA
Clearinghouse Balance
<> BCP
Bypass Consolidation Point
<> BKA
Bulky Article
<> BL
Blowable Load
<> BLK
Blocking and Bracing
<> BLS
Blind Shipment
<> BN
If Bad Ordered Notify Shipper
<> BNS
Bolster Load, Do Not Switch
<> BOX
Boxing Service - Dry Bulk
<> BSC
Bunker Surcharge Authorized
<> BU2
Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
<> BU4
Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
<> BUA
Bunker Adjustment
<> BW
Bill Shipper for Weigh Charge
<> CA2
Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
<> CA4
Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
<> CAR
ROEE Car or Pickup Truck
<> CBC
Case Label Bar Code
<> CC
Container, Consolidator Load
<> CCB
Convert Commercial Bill of Lading (BOL) to Government BOL
<> CCH
<> CCS
Carrier Caboose
<> CD
Attachment - Customer's Document
<> CDD
Corrosion Additive Service
<> CE
Cleared for Export
<> CF
Container, Factory Load
<> CFC
Customs Fees - Container Level
<> CFL
Customs Fees - Lift Level
<> CGC
Carrier Guard Car Service
<> CGR
Return Carrier Guard Car Service
<> CGT
Cargo Taxes
<> CH
<> CHN
Chain and Binders
<> CI
Customs Inspection
<> CIP
Commercial Invoice Preparation
<> CIS
Constant Surveillance
<> CLN
<> CLS
Class Rates Applied
<> CM
Attachment - Cotton Manifest
<> CMD
Comb. Rates over Detroit
<> CNL
Consolidation and Line Haul
<> CNS
<> CO
No Marshalling Required for Hazardous Materials
<> CON
Contract Rates Apply
<> COR
Certification That the Newsprint Winding Cores Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service
<> COU
Consignee Unload
<> COV
Courier, Overnight
<> CPC
Copilot Service
<> CPM
Customs Papers Mailed
<> CR
Circus Ramp Only (TOFC Van)
<> CRL
Container Lease
<> CSD
Courier, Same Day
<> CSP
Government Caboose
<> CTL
Controlled Atmosphere
<> CTM
Container Mounting
<> CTR
Circuitous Routing
<> CUF
Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk
<> CW
Bill Consignee for Weigh Charges
<> CX
Top Load Only
<> CY
Certification that this Shipment is for Recycling as Defined in Applicable Tariffs Containing Such Provisions
<> DA
<> DBL
Double Wide Separate and Reassemble
<> DBP
Delivery of Fuel From Barge to Pipeline
<> DCS
DOD Constant Surveillance Service
<> DDN
Dual Driver with National Agency Check
<> DDP
Dual Driver Protective Service
<> DDS
Direct Delivery
<> DDZ
Drayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)
<> DE
<> DEL
Delivery Service
<> DEP
Detention of Conveying Equipment and the Power Unit
<> DET
Detention of Conveying Equipment Excluding the Power Unit
<> DEZ
Drayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)
<> DFD
Keep From Freezing Percent Differential
<> DFM
410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices
<> DFS
410 Dromedary
<> DIS
Distribution Service Requested
<> DLP
Delivery of Fuel From Rail Tank Car to Pipeline
<> DLR
Notify Shipper Immediately if Shipment is Delayed en Route
<> DM
<> DN
Shipper Authorization Required for Diversion or Consignment
<> DNC
Do Not Couple to Other Diaphragmed Cars
<> DNF
Do Not Freeze
<> DNT
Do Not Couple to Tank Cars
<> DOC
Documentation - Special
<> DOV
Container Diversion
<> DPB
Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Barge
<> DPD
Drayage at Port of Debarkation
<> DPE
Drayage at Port of Embarkation
<> DPL
Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Rail Tank Car
<> DPT
Delivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer
<> DPU
Detention With Power Units (30 minute periods)
<> DR
Drop Yard
<> DRO
Drop-Off Delivery
<> DRU
Drumming Service
<> DS
Delivery Only on Surrender of Written Order
<> DSK
Do Not Couple to Double Shelf Couples
<> DSM
Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices
<> DSR
Dromedary Service Requested
<> DSV
Door Side Vanning
<> DT
Dead in Tow
<> DTB
Labor Associated with Detention of Conveying Equipment
<> DTP
Delivery of Fuel From Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline
<> DTV
Detention (Vehicle)
<> DU
Do Not Uncouple
<> DV
<> DW
Destination Weights Apply
<> DWP
Detention With Power Units (60 minute periods)
<> EAX
Extra Axles
<> ECR
Escort/Courier Service
<> ECS
Empty Railcar Ordered But Not Used
<> ED
Excessive Dimensions
<> EDD
Equipment Hose at Destination
<> EDO
Equipment Hose at Origin
<> EE
Electronic Equipment Transfer
<> EED
Exclusive Use
<> EL
Environmental Control Limits
<> ELS
Extra Lights
<> EMR
Emergency Service
<> EMT
Empty Movement
<> END
<> EP
<> ER
Return Empty Via Reverse Route
<> ERS
Empty Return
<> ERT
Satisfactory Service Standards
<> EV
Damages Incurred if Shipment Fails to Meet Vessel Loading
<> EVC
Excessive Valuation Authorized
<> EW
Excessive Weight
<> EX
Explosive Flammable Gas
<> EXC
Exclusive Use of Vehicle
<> EXD
Extra Driver
<> EXL
Extra Length Surcharge
<> EXO
Export Preparation
<> EXP
Expedited Rates Applied
<> EXQ
Expedited Service
<> EXT
Extra Labor
<> EXU
Exclusive Use of Vehicle Damaged
<> EXZ
Expand Remove and Install
<> EZE
Roadway Easy Rates Applied
<> FA
Face "A-end" to Head of Train
<> FAK
Barge Freight All Kinds Service
<> FAS
<> FB
Face "B-end" to Head of Train
<> FC
Moving Under "For Furtherance Instructions" and May Be Delivered
<> FCS
Furnishing Chassis
<> FD
Full Service
<> FDD
Flat Deck Delivery
<> FFC
Fuel Filters Furnished by Carrier
<> FFS
Fuel Filters Furnished by Shipper
<> FG
Flammable Gas
<> FL
<> FLS
Flatrack Surcharge
<> FP
Flammable Poison Gas
<> FPT
For Processing in Transit
<> FR
Fragile - Handle with Care
<> FRZ
Accepted by Carrier at Owner's Risk of Freezing
<> FS
Nontransit Flat Shipment
<> FST
For Storage in Transit
<> FTR
Filtration Service
<> GA
Goods Astray
<> GI
Grain Inspection
<> GMS
Garment Surcharge
<> GOC
Government-Owned Containers
<> GSP
Government Guard Car
<> GSS
Greater Security Service
<> HAL
Hold at Location
<> HAN
<> HAZ
Hazardous Cargo
<> HBB
Handling Freight Not Adjacent to Vehicle
<> HBR
Hand Brakes at Each End Must Be Released
<> HDH
Shipment Holdover for Holidays
<> HDW
Shipment Holdover for Weekends
<> HE
Head End Car
<> HEA
Heat in Transit
<> HES
Heat - Special
<> HET
Heat With Steam
<> HH
<> HM
Endorsed as Hazardous Material
<> HMA
Accessible Hazardous Material
<> HMI
Inaccessible Hazardous Material
<> HO
Hold for Orders
<> HOL
Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
<> HOR
24 Hour Availability
<> HOS
<> HOX
Special Hose
<> HP
Heated Prior to Loading
<> HQT
High Cube Trailer Rates
<> HR
Home for Repair
<> HRS
Heater or Refrigeration
<> HT
<> HTI
Hitch Installation
<> HV
High Value Load
<> HW
High Wide Load
<> HZC
Hazardous Materials Surcharge
<> HZD
Hazardous Cargo On Deck
<> IB
<> IC
<> ID
Shipment to be Inspected at Destination and Disposition Instructions will be Furnished
<> IDC
Idler Car
<> IDL
Inside Delivery
<> IIH
Icing Inhibitor Service
<> IM
Interoffice Move
<> IMP
<> IMS
Intermodal Shipment Service
<> INT
Intra-Plant Move
<> IP
Import Shipment
<> IPU
Inside Pickup
<> IR
Rail Incentive Rate
<> IS
Surveillance Service
<> ITS
Interline Transfer Service
<> JIT
Just-In-Time (JIT)
<> JLX
Joint Line Exception
<> JS
Junction Settlement Account
<> KEG
Certification that the Containers Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service
<> KMD
Keep Material Dry
<> LAB
Labor Disturbance
<> LAS
Commingling/Loss Allowance
<> LAY
<> LB
Land Bridge (Import/Export)
<> LBL
Apply a Uniform Code Council/International Article Numbering Association (UCC/EAN) Serial Shipping Container Label to the Shipping Containers
<> LBR
Light Bar Service
<> LBT
Low Boy Trailer/Flat Bed
<> LC
Car Trip Leased to Consignee
<> LC2
Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
<> LC4
Land Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
<> LCL
Percent Differential - Less Than Container
<> LD
Loading Devices
<> LEC
Less Than Container
<> LF
Loaded to Full Visible Capacity
<> LFD
Linehaul from Port of Debarkation
<> LHS
Linehaul Service
<> LIE
Liability of Carrier
<> LMD
Liner Terms at Port of Debarkation
<> LME
Liner Terms at Port of Embarkation
<> LN
Less Than Container, Consolidator Load
<> LP
Protect Lowest Through Rate
<> LPD
Linehaul Percent Differential
<> LR
Less Than Container, Factory Load
<> LS
Local Service Only
<> LT
Less Than Full Carload
<> LTE
Linehaul To Port of Embarkation
<> LTT
Less Than Truckload
<> LYC
Layover Service
<> MAT
Modified Atmosphere
<> MC
Person in Charge of Car
<> MEN
Escort Service with Overnight Subsistence
<> MES
<> MET
Escort Services (Telephone)
<> MF
Cleared for Border Crossing
<> MIN
<> MNS
Motor Surveillance Service
<> MOT
<> MP
Multiple Pickup
<> MR
Mechanical Refrigeration
<> MRF
<> MTE
Military Traffic Expediting Service
<> MVS
Special Motor Surveillance
<> NC
Notify Consignee Before Delivery
<> ND
Do Not Divert
<> NE
No Special Entrainment Required
<> NH
Do Not Hump
<> NHC
Do not Hump or Hump into
<> NHL
Do Not Use Helper Locomotive to Push
<> NI
New Equipment First Transborder Movement
<> NP
Do Not Pool
<> NPR
No Placards Required
<> NS
Notify Shipper Before Reconsignment
<> NSV
Nose Side Vanning
<> NT
Do Not Transfer Contents
<> NW
In Case of Fire Do Not Use Water
<> NX
Not for Export
<> OAH
Stow Away from Heat
<> OBL
Block Stowage
<> OCA
Cargo Aboard
<> OCL
Carrier Load and Consignee Unload
<> OCN
Over Height Container
<> OCS
Completing Shipment
<> OCV
Delivery Verification Not Required
<> ODI
Stow with Doors Facing Inward
<> OEH
Exempt Commodity
<> OFH
In Front of House Stowage
<> OFU
<> OHC
<> OIL
Oil Field Service
<> ONC
Use No Hooks
<> ONS
Not Restricted Cargo
<> OOB
Cargo on Board Certification Required
<> OOD
On Deck Stowage
<> OOL
Carrier Load and Carrier Unload
<> OPR
<> OPT
Partial Shipment
<> ORS
Receipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours
<> OS
Commodity Loaded Less Than or Equal To the Car Ordered
<> OSB
Stow Below Deck
<> OST
Stow Between Decks
<> OTC
Temperature Control
<> OTD
Time of Delivery and Signature Required
<> OTH
On Top In-hatch Stowage
<> OTO
On Top On-deck Stowage
<> OTS
Total Shipment
<> OUC
Under Container On-deck Stowage
<> OUW
Below Water Line Stowage
<> OV
<> OVR
<> OWC
Over Width Container
<> OWR
One Way Rates Applied
<> PAJ
Pumping Equipment
<> PAV
Pickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery
<> PB
Perishable in Box Car
<> PBC
Pallet Label Bar Code
<> PD
Privately Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage
<> PDS
Pickup and Delivery From Storage in Transit
<> PDY
Pickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area
<> PER
Special Permits
<> PFH
Protect From Heat
<> PG
Poisonous Gas
<> PHR
Per Hour Rates Applied
<> PI
Iced Prior to Loading
<> PIR
Pier Time
<> PLT
<> PMM
P.M. Delivery Requirement
<> PMR
Per Mile Rates Apply
<> PMS
Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service
<> PMT
Pickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time
<> POC
Piano/Organ Carry
<> POS
Positioning at Origin
<> PPD
Pickup and Delivery Service for Perishables
<> PRL
<> PRT
Stuffing Charge
<> PS
Product Protection Service
<> PSG
Protective Service Security with Armed Guards
<> PSS
Protective Security Service
<> PTS
Protective Tarp For Security Purposes
<> PUC
<> PUD
Pickup and Delivery
<> PUK
Pack and Unpack
<> PUP
PUP Trailer Rates Apply
<> PVB
Bonded Privately Owned Vehicle
<> PVD
Detention of Privately Owned Vehicle
<> PVI
Inoperable Privately Owned Vehicle
<> PVL
Loading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle
<> PVP
Private Owned Vehicle Processing
<> PVS
Stop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment
<> PVT
Privately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service
<> PW
Attachment - Prepaid Waybill
<> PYS
Priority Service
<> RA
Return Authorization
<> RB
Render Bill for Charges
<> RC
Railroad Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage
<> RCC
<> RCL
<> RDH
Railhead Handling
<> RDR
Roadrailer Service
<> RE
Shipper Steam Ship Released
<> REP
<> RES
Residential Delivery
<> RFM
Reefer Maintenance
<> RIE
Released Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability
<> RIS
Rail Inspection Service
<> RLS
Relocation of Vehicle
<> RM
Radioactive Material
<> RMC
Return of Empty Container
<> RMP
Return Movement of Pallet
<> RMS
Rail Surveillance
<> RO
Rush Order
<> RPD
Reefer Cargo Percent Differential
<> RR
Rear Rider
<> RRR
Round Trip Service
<> RS
Inspect Hourly if Car Stopped
<> RSP
<> RSS
Restricted Speeds
<> RSV
<> RT
Record for Transit
<> RWR
Reweight Requested
<> SAS
Shipment Holdover on Weekends
<> SAT
Saturday Pickup or Delivery
<> SB
Shipper Load/Carrier Count
<> SC
Shove to Rest and Cover
<> SCC
Special Containers
<> SCL
Shipper Load and Consignee Unload
<> SD
Subject to Special Detention Rules/Charges
<> SDL
Split Delivery
<> SDS
Special Dromedary Service
<> SE
Attachment - Shipper's Export Document
<> SEC
Special Equipment Charge
<> SED
Shipper Export Declaration Required
<> SEE
Stairs, Elevator, Excess Carry
<> SER
Service Charge Applies
<> SEV
Security Escort Vehicle Service
<> SFB
Single Factor Origination/Destination
<> SFD
Single Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
<> SFE
Single Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
<> SFT
Special Train Movement
<> SGL
Single Shipment
<> SH
Shiftable Load
<> SHH
Shipment Holdover on Holidays
<> SHL
Shipper Load
<> SHW
Shipment Holdover on Weekdays
<> SI
Ship to Cross Dock or Pool
<> SJ
Ship to Furthest Destination First
<> SK
Requires Shelf Couplers
<> SKT
Skirting and Unskirting
<> SLC
Shipper Load and Count
<> SM
Attachment - Shipper's Manifest
<> SMP
Small Package
<> SNM
Transmit a Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set
<> SNS
Satellite Surveillance Service
<> SNT
Shipment from Non-Temp Storage
<> SOC
<> SOL
Shipper Load and Carrier Unload
<> SP
Attachment - Shipper's Packing Instructions
<> SPA
Special Allowance
<> SPC
Special Permit
<> SPR
Spreader Service
<> SPT
Spot for Storage - No Shipment
<> SPU
Split Pickup
<> SR
Speed Restricted
<> SRG
<> SRS
Surveying Routes
<> SSC
Stripping, Sorting & Consolidation
<> SSN
Substitute Service Not to be Used
<> SSR
Safe Haven Secure Holding Refusal
<> SSU
Pole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
<> ST
Stack Train
<> STA
Conductivity/Anti-static Additive
<> STD
Stop-off at Destination
<> STO
<> STP
Stop-off at Origination
<> STR
Signature and Tally Record
<> SUA
Spot for Unloading from A End
<> SUB
Spot for Unloading from B Brake End
<> SUP
Supervisor Requested
<> SVS
Storage of Vehicles
<> SW
Stretch Wrap
<> TA
Cars Temporarily Articulated
<> TC
Trailer, Consolidator Load
<> TDC
Truckload-Double Operator-Common Carrier
<> TDP
Truckload-Double Operator-Padded Van
<> TER
Terminal Handling Charges
<> TF
Trailer, Factory Load
<> TLS
Tendered as Truckload (Truckload Service Requested)
<> TMS
Multi-Tank Surveillance Service
<> TMV
Tendering of Multiple Vehicles
<> TN
Turn Car
<> TOF
Trailer on Flat Car
<> TOW
Motor Tow Away Service
<> TPS
Third Party Service
<> TRA
Tractor Only
<> TRK
Truck Rates Applicable
<> TRL
Trailer Preparation - Special
<> TRM
<> TRN
Transfer Product
<> TRP
Tire Repair and Replace
<> TRS
Trade Show
<> TRT
Tractor and Trailer
<> TS
Transit Shipment
<> TSC
Truckload-Single Operator-Common Carrier
<> TSP
Truckload-Single Operator-Padded Van
<> TSS
Tank Surveillance Service
<> TT
Team Track Delivery
<> TV
Time Volume Rates Only
<> UB
Unload at Bumper (Circus Ramp)
<> UFC
Under Carriage Furnished By Carrier
<> UI
<> UL
Unload from Left Side of Car
<> UN
Unload as Placarded
<> UP
Unprotected Perishable
<> UPK
<> UR
Unload from Right Side of Car
<> URC
Unloading or Reloading
<> US
Shipper Certifies Gross Weight under 240,000 pounds
<> UT
Unit Train
<> UTL
Utilities Disconnect and Connect
<> VAC
Vacuum Service
<> VAN
ROEE Van Type Truck
<> VCL
Van Cleaning
<> VFN
Vehicles Furnished But Not Used
<> VIS
Vehicles Inoperable
<> VN
Verification Weigh
<> VSO
Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles
<> VT
Ventilation Instructions
<> VTS
Vehicles in Truckaway
<> WB
Wide-Body Pickup Truck (Applies to Finished Vehicle Loading
<> WBB
Wharfage - Breakbulk
<> WCT
Wharfage - Container
<> WD
Waived Inspection - Set Direct
<> WDS
Waterfront Delivery
<> WE
Weigh Empty
<> WFG
<> WH
Attachments - High Wide Notice
<> WI
Waive Inspection
<> WM
Manifest Must Accompany Waybill
<> WO
Weigh to Check for Overload
<> WRB
War Risk Crew Bonus
<> WRI
War Risk Insurance
<> WTG
Waiting Time Authorized
<> WTV
Weight Verification
<> WW
Waste Water
<> XP
<> XT
Cross Town
<> ZZZ
Mutually Defined