1009 Administration of Justice Organization Type Code
1009 Administration of Justice Organization Type Code
Code identifying a type of organization or entity involved in the administration of justice
Max 2 / Min 1
<> A
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
<> AB
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP)
<> AD
Administrative Court
<> AG
State Attorney General
<> AJ
Administrative Law Court
<> AL
Alderman's Court
<> AM
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
<> AS
Associate Court
<> B
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
<> C
U.S. Claims Court
<> CA
Court of Criminal Appeals
<> CB
Corporation Court
<> CH
Chancery Court
<> CI
Circuit Court
<> CL
County Court at Law
<> CM
Court of Claims
<> CN
Conciliation Court
<> CO
Common Claims Court
<> CP
Court of Common Pleas
<> CQ
<> CR
Criminal Court
<> CS
Constitutional County Court
<> CT
County Court
<> CV
Civil Court
<> CY
City Court
<> D
U.S. District Court
<> DA
District Attorney
<> DI
District Court
<> DJ
District Justice Court
<> DM
State Department of Motor Vehicles
<> DO
Domestic Court
<> DS
District Judge System Court
<> F
Federal Bureau of Investigation
<> FC
Family Court
<> GS
General Session Court
<> HO
Housing Court
<> HP
Highway Patrol
<> HU
Hustings Court
<> I
International Trade Court
<> IC
Inferior Court
<> J
U.S. Attorney
<> JC
Justice Court
<> JP
Justice of the Peace
<> JU
Juvenile Court
<> LA
Land Court
<> LE
Law and Equity Court
<> M
U.S. Military Appeals Court
<> M1
General Court Martial
<> M2
Special Court Martial
<> M3
Summary Court Martial
<> MA
Magistrate Court
<> MC
Magisterial Court
<> MP
Military Police
<> MU
Municipal Court
<> MY
Mayor's Court
<> OR
Orphan's Court
<> OT
Other Unlisted Administration of Justice Organization Type
<> P
<> PC
Parish Court
<> PK
U.S. Park Police
<> PL
<> PO
Police Court
<> PP
Park Police
<> PR
Probate Court
<> PS
<> S
U.S. Supreme Court
<> SA
State Appellate Court
<> SB
State Bureau of Investigation
<> SC
Small Claims Court
<> SD
Appellate Division of Superior Court
<> SH
<> SJ
Special Justice Court
<> SO
Single Presiding Officer
<> SP
State Police
<> SR
Surrogate Court
<> SS
State Supreme Court
<> ST
State Court
<> SU
Superior Court
<> T
U.S. Department of Transportation
<> TA
Tax Court
<> TB
Tribal Court
<> TJ
Trial Justice Court
<> TO
Town Court
<> TR
Traffic Court
<> U
U.S. Commissioner
<> V
U.S. Veteran's Appeals Court
<> WA
Water Court
<> X
Multi District Litigation Panel
<> ZZ
Mutually Defined