157 Shipment Status Code
157 Shipment Status Code
Code indicating the status of a shipment
Max 2 / Min 1
<> 2
Returned to Carrier's Terminal
<> 3
Returned to Shipper
<> A
<> A1
Agriculture Canada Hold
<> A2
Agriculture Canada Released
<> A3
Agriculture Canada Refused Entry
<> A4
Agriculture Canada Conditional Release
<> AA
Pickup Appointment Date and Time
<> AC
Awaiting Clearance
<> AD
Delivery Appointment Date and Time
<> AE
Loaded on Vessel
<> AF
Departed Pickup Location
<> AG
Estimated Delivery
<> AH
Attempted Delivery
<> AI
Shipment Has Been Reconsigned
<> AJ
Tendered for Delivery
<> AL
Loaded on Rail
<> AM
Loaded on Truck
<> AN
Delivered to Air Carrier
<> AO
Loaded on Barge
<> AP
Loaded on Feeder Vessel
<> AR
Rail Arrival at Destination Intermodal Ramp
<> AU
Shipment Available for Pickup
<> AV
Available for Delivery
<> AW
Awaiting Export
<> B
Bad Order (Inoperative or Damaged)
<> BA
Set Off at Agent
<> BC
Storage - in - Transit
<> BD
Recommitted Delivery Date
<> BE
Estimated Time of Arrival at Scheduled Pickup Location
<> BF
Booking Confirmed
<> BO
Rail Conveying Car Bad Ordered
<> BR
Bill of Lading Released
<> C
Estimated To Depart Terminal Location
<> C1
Canada Customs Hold
<> C2
Canada Customs Inspection Scheduled
<> CA
Shipment Cancelled
<> CB
Chassis Tie
<> CC
Chassis Un-Tie
<> CD
Received at Origin
<> CI
<> CO
Cargo Received at Contractual Place of Receipt
<> CR
Carrier Release
<> CS
Container Sealed
<> CT
Customs Released
<> CU
Carrier and Customs Release
<> CV
Container Rehandled
<> D
Completed Unloading at Delivery Location
<> DA
Repair Authorization Requested
<> DC
Unit Cleaned
<> DI
Delivery Order Issued
<> DN
Delivery Not Confirmed
<> DO
Destination Stop-off
<> DP
Unit Pre-Tripped
<> DR
Repair Authorization Received
<> DS
Damage Survey Requested
<> DT
Damage Survey Completed
<> E
Estimated to Arrive (En Route)
<> EA
Estimate Approved
<> EC
Empty Container Available for Pickup at Consignee Location
<> ED
Early Delivery Appointment Date and/or Time
<> EE
Empty Equipment Dispatched
<> EI
Interchange Information Received
<> EP
Early Pickup Appointment Date and/or Time
<> ER
Estimate Received
<> EX
<> F
In Flight
<> FD
Food and Drug Release
<> FP
Freight Paid
<> FT
Free Time Expired
<> G
Repaired and/or Released from Bad Order
<> GI
Terminal Gate Inspection
<> GO
General Order
<> H
Equipment Shopped for Heavy Repair
<> HA
Held - Protective Service
<> HE
Held-Awaiting Shipper's Export Document
<> HF
Held-Awaiting Recount/Weight/Description
<> HG
Held on Ground
<> HH
Held-No Booking Number
<> HI
Held-Title Clearance
<> HR
Hold Released
<> I
<> IB
U.S. Customs, In-bond Movement Authorized
<> IM
<> IR
Movement Type Changed from In-bond to Not In-bond
<> J
Delivered to Connecting Line
<> K
Arrived at Customs
<> L
<> LD
Late Delivery Appointment Date and/or Time
<> LP
Late Pickup Appointment Date and/or Time
<> MT
Empty Committed
<> N
No Paperwork Received with Shipment or Equipment
<> NC
Confirmation of Notification
<> ND
Technical Charges Due
<> NF
Free Time to Expire
<> NH
No Hazardous Material Document Received
<> NO
Ocean Charges Paid
<> NP
Terminal Charges Paid
<> NR
Shipment Information Not Received
<> NS
No Seal on Load
<> NT
<> NU
Notification Refused
<> O
Paperwork Received- Did Not Receive Shipment or Equipment
<> OA
<> OB
Original Bill of Lading Received
<> OF
Off-Hire Container
<> OH
On Hand
<> ON
On-Hire Container
<> P
Departed Terminal Location
<> PA
US Custom Hold, Intensive Examination
<> PB
US Custom Hold, Insufficient Paperwork
<> PC
US Custom Hold, Discrepancy in Paperwork
<> PD
US Custom Hold, Discrepancy in Piece Count
<> PE
US Custom Hold, Hold by Coast Guard
<> PF
US Custom Hold, Hold by F.B.I.
<> PG
US Custom Hold, Hold by Local Law Enforcement
<> PH
US Custom Hold, Hold by Court Imposed Lien
<> PI
US Custom Hold, Hold by Food and Drug
<> PJ
US Custom Hold, Hold by Fish and Wildlife
<> PK
US Custom Hold, Hold by Drug Enforcement
<> PL
US Dept. Agr, Hold for Intensive Investigation
<> PM
US Dept. Agr, Hold for Unregistered Producer
<> PN
US Dept. Agr, Hold for Restricted Commodity
<> PO
US Dept. Agr, Hold for Insect Infestation
<> PP
US Dept. Agr, Hold for Bacterial Contamination
<> PQ
U.S. Customs Hold at Place of Vessel Arrival
<> PR
U.S. Customs Hold at In-Bond Destination
<> PS
U.S. Department of Agriculture Hold at Place of Vessel Arrival
<> PT
U.S. Department of Agriculture Hold at In-Bond Destination
<> PU
Other U.S. Agency Hold at Place of Vessel Arrival
<> PV
Other U.S. Agency Hold at In-Bond Destination
<> PW
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hold for Fumigation
<> PX
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hold for Inspection or Documentation Review
<> R
Received from Prior Carrier
<> RA
Pickup Appointment Requested
<> RB
Delivery Appointment Requested
<> RC
Reserve Container Against Booking
<> RD
Return Container
<> RF
Rail Conveying Car Released from Bad Order
<> RI
Movement Type Changed from Not In-bond to In-bond
<> RL
Rail Departure from Origin Intermodal Ramp
<> RN
<> S
Spotted at Consignee's Location
<> SA
Shipment Split
<> SB
Shipment Consolidation
<> SC
Seals Altered
<> SD
Shipment Delayed
<> SI
Receipt of Shipping Instructions
<> SN
Shipment Not Authorized
<> SS
Spotted at Sourcing Location
<> T
At Terminal; Intra-Terminal Movement
<> TC
Held for Terminal Charges
<> TM
Intra-Terminal Movement
<> TO
Terminate to Owner
<> U
<> UA
Unit - Leased to Connecting Line
<> UB
Unit - Returned from Connecting Line
<> UC
Unit - Shopped Held at Terminal
<> UD
Unit - COFC/TOFC Service
<> UE
Unit - Pickup/Delivery Service
<> UP
Unable to Process Shipment
<> UR
Unloaded from a Rail Car
<> UV
Unloaded From Vessel
<> UW
Intermodal Unit Weighed
<> V
Vessel Rehandle
<> VA
Vessel Arrival
<> VD
Vessel Departure
<> W
Released by Customer
<> WH
Weight Too Heavy - Highway
<> WR
Weight Too Heavy - Rail
<> X
Removed from Customer Dock or Siding
<> X1
Arrived at Delivery Location
<> X2
Estimated Time of Arrival at Consignee Location
<> X3
Arrived at Pickup Location
<> X4
Arrived at Terminal Location
<> X5
Arrived at Delivery Location Loading Dock
<> X6
En Route to Delivery Location
<> X7
En Route to Pickup Location
<> X8
Arrived at Pickup Location Loading Dock
<> X9
Delivery Appointment Secured
<> XA
Pickup Appointment Secured
<> XB
Shipment Acknowledged
<> Y
Constructively Placed
<> Z
Actually Placed
<> ZZ
Mutually Defined