235 Product/Service ID Qualifier
235 Product/Service ID Qualifier
Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)
Max 2 / Min 2
<> 00
Credit Card
<> A1
Plant Equipment Number
<> A2
Department of Defense Identification Code (DoDIC)
<> A3
Locally Assigned Control Number
<> A4
Subsistence Identification Number
<> A5
Application State or Province
<> A6
Document Identification Code
<> A7
Subline Item Number
<> A8
Exhibit Line Item Number
<> AA
Assembly Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 32
<> AB
<> AC
Aggregation Code (Used to Consolidate Part Families)
<> AD
American Dental Association Codes
<> AE
Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (Defined in ANSI 239.56)
<> AF
Front Axle Serial Number
<> AG
<> AH
Billboards Commercial
<> AI
Alternate ISBN
<> AJ
Piggyback Commercial
<> AK
Refined Product Code
<> AL
Axle Serial Number
<> AM
Allocation Methodology Identification Code
<> AN
Asset Number
<> AP
Component Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 33
<> AQ
Appraisal Product Type
<> AR
ARINC Part Number
<> AS
Rear Axle Serial Number
<> AT
Assortability Code
<> AU
Appraisal Service
<> AV
Additional Product Identification Assigned by the Manufacturer
<> AW
Well Number
<> AX
Assembly Lot Number
<> AY
System Level Code, Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) 2000 Code Key 31
<> AZ
Axle Ratio
<> B1
Volume Set
<> B2
Library of Congress Code
<> B3
Edition Code
<> B4
Binding Code
<> B5
Title Code
<> B6
Author Code
<> B7
Publisher Code
<> B8
Batch Number
<> B9
Front Axle Driven Serial Number
<> BA
Bale Number
<> BB
Print Color Standard Reference
<> BC
Supplier Brand Code
<> BD
Buyer Ground Shade Identifier
<> BE
Buyer's Engineering Change Level Number
<> BF
Vendor Ground Shade Identifier
<> BG
Ground Shade Standard Reference
<> BH
Finish/Hand Standard Reference
<> BI
Rear Axle Rear Non Driven Serial Number
<> BJ
Application Completion Method
<> BK
<> BL
<> BM
Beam Number
<> BN
Bar-Coded Serial Number
<> BO
Buyers Color
<> BP
Buyer's Part Number
<> BQ
Benefit ID
<> BR
Compensation Type Code
<> BS
Bill Subgroup Code
<> BT
Volume Type Identification Code
<> BU
Bus Body Serial Number
<> BV
Beverage Common Code
<> BW
Compensation Allocation Code
<> BX
Bill Credit Code
<> BY
Concept Code
<> BZ
Coverage Type
<> C1
<> C2
Connector Type
<> C3
<> C4
Configuration Item Identifier
<> C5
Insurance Plan Description Characteristics
<> C6
Asset Type
<> C7
Asset Category
<> C8
Fund Sub-Advisor
<> C9
Dun & Bradstreet Standard Product and Service Code
<> CA
<> CB
Buyer's Catalog Number
<> CC
Compatible Cut Number
<> CD
Motor Vehicle-Line Designator
<> CE
Class of Contract Code
<> CF
Chassis Serial Number
<> CG
Commodity Grouping
<> CH
Country of Origin Code
<> CI
Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI)
<> CJ
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes
<> CK
Candidate Oil
<> CL
<> CM
National Retail Federation Color Code
<> CN
Commodity Name
<> CO
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number
<> CP
Carry-over Part Number
<> CQ
Equipment Code per COPAS standard
<> CR
Contract Number
<> CS
Service code per COPAS standard
<> CT
Continuation (ID Number Spans Multiple Product ID Data Elements)
<> CU
Cut Number
<> CV
Customer Provided Equipment
<> CW
Contract Activity Code
<> CX
Completion Number
<> CY
Customer Company Registry Number
<> CZ
Country from which Procured
<> D1
Underwriting Method of Direct Writer
<> D2
Medical Information Bureau (MIB) Authorization
<> D3
Policy Form
<> D4
Plan Code
<> D5
Coverage Risk Type
<> D6
Medical Stop Loss Level Codes
<> D7
Medical Stop Loss Coverage Codes
<> D8
Medical Stop Loss Product Line Codes
<> DA
Automobile Repair Product Code
<> DC
International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
<> DD
<> DE
Design Number
<> DF
Device Family
<> DG
Discount Grouping
<> DH
Transport4 Commodity Code
<> DI
Deposit Item Number
<> DL
Dye Lot Number
<> DM
Committee for Uniform Security Identification Procedure Number (CUSIP) Number
<> DN
Die Number
<> DO
Dividend Use
<> DP
Discontinued Part Number
<> DQ
Event Type
<> DR
Drawing Revision Number
<> DS
Group ID
<> DT
Device Type
<> DU
Joint Life Type
<> DV
Location Code
<> DW
Nonforfeiture Option
<> DX
International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Diagnosis
<> DY
Premium Rate Type
<> DZ
Diagnosis Code Pointer
<> E1
Contract Change Authorization Type
<> E2
Fund Abbreviation
<> E3
Fund Type
<> E4
Related Policy Identification
<> E5
Tax Code
<> E6
Contract Transfer Reason Code
<> EA
EAN-99 In-store Coupon Code
<> EB
Fuel Tank Serial Number
<> EC
Engineering Change Level
<> ED
Engine Displacement Identification
<> EE
Premium Use
<> EF
Exhibit Identifier
<> EG
Purpose of Insurance
<> EH
Sales Presentation ID
<> EI
Expense Identifier
<> EJ
Service Feature ID
<> EK
Settlement/Payout Option
<> EL
Buyer's Subline Item Number
<> EM
Equipment Identification Number
<> EN
EAN/UCC - 13
<> EO
<> EP
Buyer's End Product Number
<> EQ
Equipment Type
<> ER
Jurisdiction Specific Procedure and Supply Codes
<> ES
Engine Serial Number
<> ET
Department of Defense Enterprise Identifier
<> EU
Skill Code
<> EX
Exchanged Part, Assembly or Product
<> EZ
Shift Worked
<> F1
Catalog Number
<> F2
Technical Order Number
<> F3
Technical Manual Number
<> F4
Series Identifier
<> F5
Obligation Authority Number
<> F6
First Prior Identifier
<> F7
End-Item Description
<> F8
Next Higher Used Assembly
<> F9
Former Publisher
<> FA
Failed Subassembly Serial Number
<> FB
Form Number
<> FC
Coupon Family Code
<> FD
<> FE
<> FF
Fifth Wheel Serial Number
<> FG
Fund Manager
<> FH
Freddie Mac Affordable Lending Product Code
<> FI
Finish Number
<> FJ
Fannie Mae Affordable Lending Product Code
<> FK
Freddie Mac Project Condominium Classification Code
<> FL
Finish Lot Number
<> FM
Failed Subassembly Model Number
<> FN
Final Test Lot Number
<> FP
Fabric Pieces Per Roll
<> FQ
Fannie Mae Project Condominium Classification Code
<> FR
Front Axle, Rear
<> FS
National Stock Number
<> FT
Federal Supply Classification
<> FU
National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) Product Code
<> FV
Drug Identification Number (DIN)
<> FW
New Microcode
<> FX
Federal Supply Group
<> GA
<> GC
Grade Code
<> GD
Grain Direction
<> GE
Generic Name Description
<> GI
Graphics Industry Bar Code (GIBC)
<> GK
Glider Kit
<> GM
General Services Administration (GSA) Special Item Number
<> GN
Grade Name
<> GQ
Group Qualifier Code
<> GR
Gear Ratio
<> GS
General Specification Number
<> GU
Volume Usage Identification Code
<> HC
Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Codes
<> HD
International Harmonized Commodity Code
<> HI
HIBC (Health Care Industry Bar Code) Supplier Labeling Standard Primary Data Message
<> HN
Heat Number
<> HP
Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) Skilled Nursing Facility Rate Code
<> IA
Information Media Type
<> IB
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
<> IC
Interior Color Number
<> ID
International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) - Procedure
<> IE
Insurer's Fund Code
<> IF
Investment Fund Type
<> IG
Ignition Key Number
<> II
Commodity Item Identification
<> IM
Imprint (Trademark Code of Subsidiary)
<> IN
Buyer's Item Number
<> IP
International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS)
<> IQ
IRS Qualification Code
<> IR
<> IS
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
<> IT
Buyer's Style Number
<> IU
Department of Defense Issuing Agency Code
<> IV
Home Infusion EDI Coalition (HIEC) Product/Service Code
<> IW
Interchangeability Code
<> IZ
Buyer's Size Code
<> JA
<> JB
Commission Identifier
<> JC
Commission Year
<> JD
Contribution Year
<> JN
Job Number
<> JP
Package Type Code
<> JS
Job Sequence Number
<> KA
Engineering Data List
<> KB
Data Category Code
<> KD
Replacement National Stock Number
<> KE
Military Standard
<> KF
Item Type Number
<> KG
Time Compliant Technical Order
<> KI
Cognizance Symbol
<> KJ
Material Control Code
<> KK
Special Material Identification Code
<> KL
Item Management Code
<> KM
Shelf-Life Code
<> KN
Shelf-Life Action Code
<> KP
Kanban Plan Number
<> L1
Program Level
<> L2
Topic Level
<> L3
Subtopic Level
<> L4
Life/Annuity Service Features
<> L5
Line of Authority
<> L6
Lube, Synthetic
<> LA
Labor Group
<> LB
Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) Codes
<> LC
Laboratory Test Condition Code
<> LD
SNOMED, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
<> LG
Lift Gate Serial Number
<> LM
Lottery Game Number
<> LN
Lottery Pack/Book Number
<> LP
Life/Annuity Product Code
<> LR
Lease Number
<> LS
Load Sequence
<> LT
Lot Number
<> LU
Lot Pricing Unit Number
<> MA
Machine Number
<> MB
Measurement Type Code
<> MC
Mortgage Credit Data Order Type
<> MD
Method of Delivery Code
<> ME
Market Program Code
<> MF
<> MG
Manufacturer's Part Number
<> MH
Medication Code
<> MI
Mortgage Insurance Product Code or Number
<> MJ
Manual Transmission Serial Number
<> MK
Front Axle Non Driven Serial Number
<> MM
Motor Equipment Manufacturing Association (MEMA) Product Type Code
<> MN
Model Number
<> MO
Movement Type Code
<> MP
Mortgage Product Code
<> MQ
Mortgage Underwriting Type
<> MR
Maintenance Index Page Reference Number
<> MS
Military Specification (MILSPEC) Number
<> MT
Major Product/Material/Machine Type
<> MU
Authorized Parts List Number
<> MV
Equipment Location
<> MW
Equipment Hierarchical Sequence Identifier
<> MX
Repair Induction Identifier
<> N1
National Drug Code in 4-4-2 Format
<> N2
National Drug Code in 5-3-2 Format
<> N3
National Drug Code in 5-4-1 Format
<> N4
National Drug Code in 5-4-2 Format
<> N5
National Health Related Item Code in 5-5 Format
<> N6
National Health Related Item Code in 4-6 Format
<> ND
National Drug Code (NDC)
<> NE
Yarn Count - English
<> NG
National Glass Association (NAGS) Number
<> NH
National Health Related Item Code
<> NM
Yarn Count - Metric
<> NN
National Item Identification Number
<> NR
Non-resaleable item (excluding deposit) number
<> NU
National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB92 Codes
<> NW
New Replacement Part or Assembly Defective
<> NZ
Combined NCCMA/Bank Service Code
<> O0
Old UCC-12
<> O7
Old EAN/UCC-13
<> O8
Old EAN/UCC-14
<> O9
Old Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
<> OA
Old U.P.C./EAN Case Code
<> OB
Old U.P.C./EAN Multipack Code
<> OC
Old U.P.C./EAN Consumer Package Code
<> OD
Old U.P.C./EAN Module Code
<> OE
Original Equipment Number
<> OF
Old Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) Code
<> OG
Old Microcode
<> OH
Opposite-Hand Part Number
<> OI
Optical Industry Product Code
<> OL
Optical Cable Code
<> OM
Original Part Number
<> ON
Customer Order Number
<> OO
Outside Production Operation Sheet Number
<> OP
Obsolete Part Number
<> OR
Offer Number
<> OT
Internal Number
<> OU
Original Unit of Issue
<> P1
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
<> P2
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Not Applicable
<> P3
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Tubular Code
<> P4
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Non-Tubular Code
<> P5
Material Discharge Number
<> P6
Pump, Fire
<> P7
Previous Carrier
<> P8
Retail Price Look Up Number (PLU)
<> P9
<> PA
Pattern Number
<> PB
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Operating and Maintenance Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
<> PC
Prime Contractor Part Number
<> PD
Part Number Description
<> PE
Pieces in Roll
<> PF
Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Capital Expenditure Code - Goods and Services Tax Forwarded
<> PG
Packaging Specification Number
<> PH
Property and Casualty Service Code
<> PI
Purchaser's Item Code
<> PJ
Product Date Code (A code indicating the period during which a product was manufactured.)
<> PK
Packaging Drawing
<> PL
Purchaser's Order Line Number
<> PM
Number of Positions on Machine
<> PN
Company Part Number
<> PO
Purchase Order Number
<> PP
Air Transportation Association Proprietary Rights Code
<> PQ
Product ID Attribute Code
<> PR
Process Number
<> PS
<> PT
Print or Drawing
<> PU
Part Reference Number
<> PV
Advertising Package Identification Code
<> PW
Part Drawing
<> PX
Secondary Ply
<> PY
Operator Assigned Property Identification
<> PZ
Product Change Notice Number
<> R0
Replacement UCC-12
<> R1
Replacement Subassembly Model Number
<> R2
Replacement Subassembly Serial Number
<> R3
Rear Axle, Middle
<> R4
Rear Axle, Pusher
<> R5
Rear Axle, Tag
<> R6
Rear Axle, Extended Tag
<> R7
Replacement EAN/UCC-13
<> R8
Replacement EAN/UCC-14
<> R9
Replacement Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
<> RA
Return Code
<> RB
National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) UB82 Codes
<> RC
Returnable Container Number
<> RD
Reel Number
<> RE
Reefer Serial Number
<> RF
Repair From Product Code
<> RG
Reference Oil
<> RH
Radiator Serial Number
<> RI
Rear Axle Front Rear Driven Serial Number
<> RJ
Rear Axle Rear Driven Serial Number
<> RK
Rack Number
<> RL
Rate Detail Card
<> RM
Related Model Number
<> RN
Release Number
<> RO
Roll Number
<> RP
Replaced Part Number
<> RQ
Automobile Rental Charge Item Code
<> RR
Replacement Product Number
<> RS
Set Number
<> RT
Reel Type
<> RU
Run Number
<> RV
Repair Tag Number
<> RW
Relative Value Units
<> RY
Record Keeping or Model Year
<> RZ
Related Model Type
<> S1
Shipper's Item Number
<> S2
Second Prior Identifier
<> S3
<> S4
Laboratory Sample Identification
<> S5
State Sample Identification
<> S6
Previous Sample Identification
<> S7
Source of Deposit Code
<> S8
Source of Lead Code
<> SA
Schematic Diagram Reference Number
<> SB
Submission Number
<> SC
Seller's Date Code
<> SD
Supplier Company Registry Number
<> SE
Section Print Number
<> SF
Surface Finish
<> SG
Seat Serial Number
<> SH
Service Requested
<> SI
Standard Industrial Classification Code
<> SJ
Religious Retail Non-book Item
<> SK
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
<> SL
Seller's Lot Number
<> SM
National Retail Federation Size Code
<> SN
Serial Number
<> SO
System Identifier
<> SP
Superseded Purchase Order Number
<> SQ
Roll Sequence Number
<> SR
Substitute Product Number
<> SS
Superseded Part Number
<> ST
Style Number
<> SU
Side Up/Side Down
<> SV
Service Rendered
<> SW
Stock Number
<> SX
Sleeper Box Key Number
<> SY
Sleeper Box Serial Number
<> SZ
Vendor Alphanumeric Size Code
<> T2
<> T3
Third Prior Identifier
<> TA
Pipeline Transaction Code
<> TB
Association for Financial Professionals Service Code and Bank Service Code
<> TC
Telecommunications Circuit ID
<> TD
Treatment Codes
<> TE
Association for Financial Professionals Service Code
<> TF
The Air Cargo Tariff (TACT) Commodity Code
<> TG
Automatic Transmission Serial Number
<> TH
Transfer Case Serial Number
<> TI
Trade In Identifier
<> TJ
Auxiliary Transmission Serial Number
<> TK
Transmission, Auxillary
<> TM
Telephone Industry Manufacturer Code
<> TN
Railroad-Owned Unit Train Number
<> TP
Product Type Code
<> TR
Truck Body Serial Number
<> TS
Transmission Serial Number
<> TT
Type Selvage
<> TU
Tested Material Identification Number
<> TV
Line of Business
<> TW
Program Code
<> TX
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Service Bulletin Number
<> TY
Telecommunications Industry Service Code
<> TZ
Program Description Identifier
<> U2
U.P.C. Shipping Container Code (1-2-5-5)
<> U3
United Nations Common Coding System (UNCCS)
<> U5
Broker Price Opinion Service
<> U6
Real Estate Property Information Service
<> U7
Department of Defense Unique Item Identifier
<> UA
U.P.C./EAN Case Code (2-5-5)
<> UB
U.P.C./EAN Multipack Code
<> UC
Product Variant
<> UD
U.P.C./EAN Consumer Package Code (2-5-5)
<> UE
U.P.C./EAN Module Code (2-5-5)
<> UF
User-Defined Shipping Container Identifier
<> UG
Drug U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-4-6-1)
<> UH
Drug U.P.C. Shipping Container Code (1-2-4-6-1)
<> UI
U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5)
<> UJ
U.P.C./EAN Coupon Code (2-5-5)
<> UK
GTIN 14-digit Data Structure
<> UL
U.P.C. Coupon Code (1-5-5-1)
<> UM
Universal Vendor Marking, Short Code (UVM; U Line)
<> UN
U.P.C. Case Code Number (1-1-5-5)
<> UO
EAN.UCC Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)
<> UP
UCC - 12
<> UQ
United Nations (UN) Number (Dangerous Goods)
<> UR
UCC/EAN-128 Coupon Extended Code
<> US
Uniform Stock Symbol System Code Number
<> UT
Company-Owned Unit Train Number
<> UV
Universal Vendor Marking, Long Code (UVM; R,P,M Lines)
<> UX
Universal Product Number
<> VA
Vendor's Style Number
<> VB
Vendor's Engineering Change Level Number
<> VC
Vendor's (Seller's) Catalog Number
<> VE
Vendor Color
<> VI
Vary Item Product Number
<> VM
Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards
<> VN
Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
<> VO
Vendor's Order Number
<> VP
Vendor's (Seller's) Part Number
<> VS
Vendor's Supplemental Item Number
<> VT
<> VU
Vendor's Basic Unit Number
<> VV
Motor Vehicle ID Number
<> VX
Vendor's Specification Number
<> W1
End Item Serial Number
<> W2
Work Unit Number
<> W5
Reclamation Process
<> W6
Woolen Run
<> W7
Woolen Cut
<> WA
Random Weight Aggregation Code
<> WB
Car Class Code
<> WC
World Code
<> WD
Airline Flight Code
<> WE
Fare Basis Code
<> WF
Service Class Code
<> WG
Stop Over Code
<> WJ
Telecom Service Type
<> WK
Advanced Billing Concepts (ABC) Codes
<> WL
Wafer Lot Identifier
<> WR
Yarn Count Worsted
<> WS
Wheel Chair Lift Serial Number
<> XA
Preferred Part Number
<> XC
Expendable Container Identification
<> XP
Preferred National Stock Number
<> XQ
Preferred Manufacturer
<> XZ
Contractor Establishment Code
<> YM
Map Edition Number
<> YP
Publication Number
<> ZB
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
<> ZR
Service Control Identification
<> ZZ
Mutually Defined