547 Interest Type Code
547 Interest Type Code
Code identifying the type of interest
Max 2 / Min 1
<> A
Default Interest Rate
<> B
Default Note Holder's Rate
<> C
Current Note Rate
<> D
<> E
Current Pass Through Rate
<> F
Security or Pass Through Rate
<> G
Security or Pass Through Rate Floor
<> H
Security or Pass Through Rate Ceiling
<> J
Weighted Average Note Rate
<> K
Servicing Fee
<> L
Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance Portion
<> M
Mortgage Note
<> N
Guarantee Fee Per Contract
<> P
Original Annual Interest Rate
<> Q
Original Index Value
<> R
Mortgage Interest Rate
<> S
Security or Pass Through Margin
<> T
New Interest Rate
<> U
Last Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Rate
<> W
Weighted Average Interest Rate
<> X
Accounting Net Yield Rate