432 Date Qualifier
Code specifying type of date
Max 2 / Min 2
<> 01
Cancel After This Date
<> 02
Delivery Requested on This Date
<> 03
Invoice Date
<> 04
Purchase Order Date
<> 05
Sailing Date
<> 06
Sold Date
<> 07
Effective Date
<> 08
Purchase Order Received
<> 09
Process Date
<> 10
Requested Ship Date/Pickup Date
<> 11
Shipped on This Date
<> 12
Terms Discount Due Date
<> 13
Terms Net Due Date
<> 14
Preferred Payment Date
<> 15
Promotion Start
<> 16
Promotion End
<> 17
Estimated Delivery Date
<> 18
Date Available/Constructive Replacement
<> 19
Date Unloaded
<> 20
Check Date
<> 21
Charge Back Date
<> 22
Freight Bill Date
<> 23
Promotion Order Date - Start
<> 24
Promotion Order Date - End
<> 25
Promotion Ship Date - Start
<> 26
Promotion Ship Date - End
<> 27
Promotion Requested Delivery Date - Start
<> 28
Promotion Requested Delivery Date - End
<> 29
Promotion Performance Date - Start
<> 30
Promotion Performance Date - End
<> 31
Promotion Invoice Protection Date - Start
<> 32
Promotion Invoice Protection Date - End
<> 33
Promotion Floor Stock Protect - Start
<> 34
Promotion Floor Stock Protect - End
<> 35
Delivered on This Date
<> 36
Expiration Date
<> 37
Ship Not Before Date
<> 38
Ship Not Later Than Date
<> 39
Ship Week Of Date
<> 40
Original Purchase Order Date
<> 41
Date Invoice Created
<> 42
Buy Period Date - Start
<> 43
Buy Period Date - End
<> 44
Arrival at Destination Yard
<> 45
<> 46
Actual Placement
<> 47
<> 48
Customs Release
<> 49
Duty Paid
<> 50
Charged From
<> 51
Charged To
<> 52
<> 53
Deliver Not Before Date
<> 54
Deliver No Later Than Date
<> 55
Deliver Week Of
<> 56
Actual Free Time Expiration Date
<> 57
Guarantee Expiration Date
<> 58
Price Change Last Order Date
<> 59
Price Change Last Arrival Date
<> 60
Price Change Last Ship Date
<> 61
Price Change Effective Date
<> 62
Accrual Start Date
<> 63
Accrual End Date
<> 64
Must Respond By
<> 67
Delivered By This Date
<> 68
Requested Delivery Date
<> 69
Scheduled Pickup Date
<> 70
Scheduled Delivery Date
<> 71
Est. Next Promo. Date Start
<> 72
Est. Next Promo. Date End
<> 73
Est. Next Promo. Ship Date Start
<> 74
Estimated Next Promotion Ship Date End
<> 76
Bill of Lading
<> 77
Pickup Appointment Scheduled Date
<> 78
Delivery Appointment Scheduled Date
<> 79
Pickup Requested Scheduled Date
<> 80
Delivery Requested Scheduled Date
<> 81
Pickup Appointment Granted Date
<> 82
Delivery Appointment Granted Date
<> 83
Equipment Furnished Date
<> 84
Bill of Lading Initiated Date
<> 85
Date Issued
<> 86
Actual Pickup Date
<> 87
First Order Date
<> 88
First Ship Date
<> 89
First Arrival Date
<> 90
Requested Pack Date
<> 91
Superseded Date
<> 92
Spot for Load Date
<> 93
Spot for Unload Date
<> 94
Spot for Storage Date (No Shipment)
<> 95
Spot for Load Exchange Date (Export)
<> 96
Scheduled Pickup Date, Needs Confirmation
<> 97
Scheduled Delivery Date, Needs Confirmation
<> 98
Scheduled Pickup Date, Appointment Confirmed
<> 99
Scheduled Delivery Date, Appointment Confirmed
<> AA
Store Inventory Stock
<> AB
Warehouse Inventory Stock
<> BB
Transaction Control Date
<> BC
Publication Date
<> BD
Required By
<> BE
<> BF
Pack Date
<> BG
Backorder Release Date
<> BH
Offered for Delivery
<> BI
<> BJ
Shelf-Life Expiration
<> BK
Warranty Expiration
<> BL
<> BM
Contract Physically Completed
<> BN
Contract Final Payment
<> BO
Estimated Contract Completion
<> BP
Contract Closed
<> BQ
Extended Closeout
<> BR
Date Delivery Commenced
<> BS
Product Receipt Date
<> BT
<> BU
<> BV
<> BW
<> BX
<> BY
Expected Reply
<> BZ
Demand Receipt Date
<> CA
Cutoff Date
<> CB
Beginning Date of Customer Plant Shutdown
<> CE
Ending Date of Customer Plant Shutdown
<> CL
Date Loading Completed
<> EP
Earliest Pickup Date
<> ES
Estimated Shipping Date
<> FD
Freshness Date
<> KA
Scheduled Service Completion
<> LA
Last Acquisition
<> LC
Date Loading Commenced
<> LD
Last Demand
<> LP
Latest Pickup Date
<> MP
Mapping Product Effective Date
<> OS
On-Sale Date
<> PE
Period End
<> RS
Ready to Ship
<> SE
Date Shipped to Port of Embarkation (POE)
<> TA
Original Transaction
<> TR