548 Decline/Amend Reason Code
548 Decline/Amend Reason Code
Code indicating the reason for declination or amendment
Max 3 / Min 3
<> AOG
Declined - Loss or Damage Due to Act of God - See Correspondence
<> CAC
Amend - Correction to Amount Claimed - Keying or Transmission Error
<> CCD
Declined - Carrier Disagrees with Consignee Damages Noted - Documentation to Follow
<> CDC
Amend - Compromise Offered on Concealed Damage
<> CDI
Declined - Carriers Not Given an opportunity to Inspect Claimed Damages
<> CFO
Declined - Claim for Other than Loss, Damage or Delay to Shipment - See Correspondence
<> CFT
Declined - Claim Not Filed within Time Limits of Contract of Carriage
<> CIB
Amend - Claim on Incorrect Basis - Sales Loss vs Market Decline, or Retail vs Invoice
<> CIC
Amend - Correction to Initial Claim Filed for Preliminary Estimate
<> CNG
Amend - Destination Inspection Reveals Contributory Negligence - Compromise Settlement Offered
<> CNL
Amend - Destination Inspection Reveals Not Carrier Liability - Salvage Proceeds Offered in Settlement
<> CSD
Declined - Claim Supporting Documentation Required by Carrier
<> CSO
Amend - Compromise Settlement Offered for Other Reasons - See Correspondence
<> CSR
Amend - Clear Seal Record on Shortage Portion of Claim
<> CTA
Amend - Coal Tolerance Allowance Deducted
<> DAM
Amend - Damaged Merchandise Not Refused to Carrier Salvage Allowance Deducted
<> DDO
Declined - Delay due to Owner in Releasing or Reconsigning Shipment - See Correspondence
<> DMN
Amend - Part of Claim For Manufacturing Defect or Omission Not Noted During Inspection
<> DNH
Declined - Did Not Handle Claimed Shipment - See Correspondence
<> DNI
Declined - Did Not Handle Claimed Shipment - No Correspondence to Follow
<> DNR
Amend - Concealed Damage or Shortage Not Reported to Carrier
<> DNS
Declined - Claimed Damages Not Segregated for Inspection
<> DOA
Declined - Shipment Involved in a Derailment or Another Carrier's Line
<> DPS
Declined - No Market Decline on Delayed Perishable Shipments
<> DSA
Amend - Invoice Discounts or Special Allowances Not Deducted
<> DUP
Declined - Duplicate Claim - See Correspondence
<> FIS
Declined - Claim for Delay Filed on Incorrect Schedule - See Correspondence
<> GSA
Amend - Grain Shrinkage Allowance Deducted
<> GWL
Amend - Settlement on Gross Weight Loss or Other Scale Differences
<> IAW
Amend - Improper Average Weights Used in Determining Loss
<> ICC
Amend - Incorrect Calculation of Claim - See Correspondence
<> INC
Declined - Claim Filed with Intermediate Carrier
<> INF
Declined - Request for Delayed Inspection Not Properly Filed
<> MAN
Amend - Origin Inspection Reveals Part of Claim Due to Manufacturing Defects or Omissions
<> MDD
Declined - Claimed Damage is Manufacturing Defect, Not Transportation Damage - See Report
<> NCA
Declined - Non-Compliance with Memorandum of Agreement - See Correspondence
<> NCR
Amend - Destination Inspection Reveals Part of Claim Not Carrier Responsibility
<> NDI
Declined - Claimed Damage or Shortage Noted During Origin Inspection - See Report
<> NFT
Amend - Claim Not Filed within Time Limits of Contract of Carriage - Salvage Proceeds Offered in Settlement
<> NLI
Declined - No Liability Indicated - See Correspondence
<> NNI
Declined - Claimed Damage or Shortage not Noted During Destination Inspection - See Report
<> NRC
Declined - Claimed Damage or Shortage not Reported to Carrier
<> OCC
Declined - No Answer to Outstanding Correspondence from Claimant
<> OTH
Declined - Declined for Other Reasons - See Correspondence
<> RAC
Declined - Refiled - Amended Claim - No Documentation to Follow
<> RAD
Declined - Amended Claim - Documentation to Follow
<> RUC
Declined - Refiled - Unamended Claim -No Documentation to Follow
<> RUD
Declined - Refiled - Unamended Claim - Documentation to Follow
<> SMA
Declined - Salvageable Material Not Available to Carrier
<> SNA
Declined - Compromise Settlement Not Accepted
<> SRD
Declined - Shipper Responsible for Damage - See Correspondence
<> SRE
Amend - Origin Inspection Reveals Shipper Responsibility - Salvage Proceeds Offered in Settlement
<> VDC
Declined - Vehicle Damage Claimed Does Not Qualify for Deferred Inspection
<> VDD
Declined - Vehicle Delivered Subject to Inspection - Not Notified of Damage
<> VDI
Declined - Vehicle Delivered Subject to Inspection - Not Notified within Required Time Period
<> VDQ
Declined - Vehicle Damage Claimed Does Not Qualify as Concealed Damage
<> VDS
Declined - Damage Severity of Vehicle Undercarriage Does Not Justify Part Replacement
<> VIS
Declined - Nature or Location of Vehicle Interior Damage Not Carrier Liability
<> VRP
Declined - Vehicle Repair Not Performed as Represented on Claim - Documentation to Follow