640 Transaction Type Code
640 Transaction Type Code
Code specifying the type of transaction
Max 2 / Min 2
<> 01
Location Address Message
<> 1A
Unique Item Tracking Control Report
<> 1B
Unique Item Tracking Report Reconciliation
<> 1C
Unique Item Tracking Item Data Change
<> 1E
New Group Initial Enrollment
<> 02
Location Relation Information
<> 03
Report Message
<> 3M
Supporting Information
<> 04
Electronic Mail Message
<> 05
Request for Co-op
<> 06
<> 6A
Accomplishment Based Renewal
<> 6C
Competitive Renewal
<> 6N
Non-competitive Renewal
<> 6R
<> 6S
<> 07
<> 08
<> 09
Co-op Actual
<> 10
<> 11
National Property Registry System Real Estate Property Transaction
<> 12
Physician's Report
<> 13
Maintenance Request
<> 14
Maintenance Response
<> 15
Request with Immediate Response Required (No Follow-up)
<> 16
Request with Immediate Response Required (Follow-up Required)
<> 17
Request with Immediate Response to Mailbox
<> 18
Response - No Further Updates to Follow
<> 19
Response - Further Updates to Follow
<> 20
Air Export Waybill and Invoice
<> 21
Air Import Invoice
<> 22
Ocean Export Direct Invoice
<> 23
Ocean Export Indirect Invoice
<> 24
Ocean Export Brokerage Invoice
<> 25
Ocean Import Invoice
<> 26
Miscellaneous Services Invoice
<> 27
Warehouse Services Invoice
<> 28
<> 30
<> 31
Subrogation Demand
<> 33
<> 34
Emergency Request
<> 35
Short Notice Request
<> 36
Damage Notification
<> 37
Design Report
<> 38
<> 39
Notice of Occupational Disease
<> 40
Notice of Traumatic Injury
<> 41
Statement of Financial Affairs
<> 42
Customer Shipment
<> 43
International Shipment
<> 44
Interplant Shipment
<> 45
Production to Carrier Shipment
<> 46
Advanced Payment
<> 47
<> 48
Payment Information
<> 49
<> 50
Transfer Loan In
<> 51
Transfer Loan Out
<> 52
Mailing Address Services
<> 54
Information Only, No Response Required
<> 55
New Service Order
<> 56
Denied Request
<> 57
Service Termination
<> 58
Tax Billing or Remittance
<> 60
Material In Transit
<> 62
Preaward Notification
<> 63
Postaward Notification
<> 64
Small Business Award Notification
<> 65
Award Notification
<> 66
Notification to Late Bidders
<> 67
Notification of Protest Receipt
<> 68
Abstract of Offers
<> 69
Bid Rejection Notice
<> 70
Unsolicited Bid Notice
<> 71
Filing and Search Request
<> 72
<> 73
Filing Officer Confirmation
<> 74
<> 75
Full Assignment
<> 76
Partial Assignment
<> 77
Full Release of Collateral
<> 78
Partial Release of Collateral
<> 79
<> 80
Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Broad Collateral Description
<> 81
Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Specific Collateral Description
<> 82
Segregation by Purchase Order Number
<> 83
Segregation by Carrier PRO Number
<> 85
Response - No Action Taken
<> 87
Disability Benefits Proof of Coverage Notification
<> 88
Debtor Filing
<> 89
Federal Occupational Reporting
<> 91
Secured Party Filing
<> 94
Partial Release Filing
<> 95
Full (Total) Release
<> 97
Multiple Listing
<> 98
<> 99
<> A0
<> A1
Storage Item Data Change
<> A3
Administrative Fees
<> A4
Amended Return
<> A5
Notice of Charge
<> A6
Protest or Response to Charge
<> A7
Charge Decision
<> AA
Due to Analysis
<> AB
Advance Shipment and Billing Notice
<> AC
Requisition Cancellation
<> AD
Notice of Availability
<> AE
Due to Reconciliation (Full)
<> AF
Requisition Follow-Up
<> AG
Due to Reconciliation (Partial)
<> AH
Pre-Employment Screening
<> AI
Adjusted Invoice
<> AJ
Student Loan Interest Statement (1098-E)
<> AK
Tuition Payments Statement (1098-T)
<> AL
<> AM
Requisition Modification
<> AN
Material Obligation Inquiry
<> AP
Material Obligation Advice
<> AQ
Quantity Verification Inquiry
<> AR
Supply Assistance
<> AS
Shipment Advice
<> AT
Administrative Action
<> AV
Quantity Verification Advice
<> AW
Material Obligation Reinstatement
<> AZ
Disposal Shipment Advice
<> BA
Backbill Invoice
<> BB
<> BD
Statement of Balance Due
<> BF
Best and Final Offer
<> BG
Non-escrow or Non-impound Tracking
<> BH
Bill and Hold Goods
<> BJ
Bankruptcy Petition
<> BK
Bankruptcy Schedules
<> BL
Blanket Lease Schedule
<> BM
Requisition Passing Order
<> BN
Requisition Referral Order
<> BO
Procurement Cancellation
<> BP
Procurement Modification
<> BR
Business Taxpayer Registration
<> BS
Bill of Sale Schedule
<> BT
Balance and Transaction Report
<> BU
Workers' Compensation 1st Report of Injury
<> BV
Workers' Compensation Subsequent Report
<> BW
Workers' Compensation Combined 1st and Subsequent Report
<> BX
Not for Resale Invoice
<> BZ
Freight Invoice
<> C0
Customs Entry Detail
<> C1
Claim Information
<> C2
Case Opening
<> C3
<> C4
Escrow or Impound Service Reporting
<> C5
Tax Assessment Bill
<> C6
Fixed Assets Tax Return
<> C7
Service Cancellation
<> C8
Conformed Copy
<> C9
Subject to Availability of Funds
<> CA
<> CB
<> CC
Credit Commission Invoice
<> CD
Consolidated Debit Invoice
<> CE
Consolidated Credit Invoice
<> CF
Consolidated Debit Memo
<> CG
Consolidated Credit Memo
<> CH
<> CI
Consolidated Invoice
<> CJ
<> CK
Claim Submission
<> CL
Customer Allocation
<> CM
Call Detail Memo
<> CN
Credit Invoice
<> CO
<> CP
Commission Payment
<> CR
Credit Memo
<> CS
Cash Surrender Distribution
<> CT
Cost Type Invoice
<> CU
Cargo Outturn Report
<> CV
Cost Voucher
<> CW
Cash Letter
<> CX
Check List
<> CY
Citation to Pay or Appear
<> CZ
Conviction Notice
<> D1
Dividend Payment
<> D4
<> DA
<> DB
Detour Billing
<> DC
Debit Commission Invoice
<> DD
Interdistrict (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12) Student Record
<> DE
Advance Receipt
<> DF
Diesel Fuel Bill
<> DG
<> DH
Discretionary Additional Company Contribution
<> DI
Debit Invoice
<> DK
Duty Drawback
<> DL
Deposit List
<> DM
Prior Damage Report
<> DN
Direct Nonqualified Rollover
<> DO
Drop Shipment Invoice
<> DP
District to Postsecondary Student Record
<> DQ
Direct Qualified Rollover
<> DR
Debit Memo
<> DS
<> DT
<> DU
<> E1
Administrative Records Submission
<> EA
Excess Interest Allocation
<> EB
Engineering Final Bill
<> EC
Campaign Filing
<> ED
Lobbyist Filing
<> EF
Engineering Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> EI
Engineering Installation, Final Bill
<> EM
Estimate of Record
<> EP
Expense Payment
<> ER
Engineering Right to Use, Final Bill
<> EX
Excess Material Notification
<> F1
Final Report
<> F2
Pre-approved Bidders List
<> F4
Pre-determined Allocation
<> F5
<> F6
Shipper Imbalance
<> F7
Producer Imbalance
<> F8
Storage Report
<> FA
Forfeiture Allocation
<> FB
Final Bill
<> FC
Forfeiture Credit
<> FD
Consolidated Invoice, Final Bill
<> FE
Memorandum, Final Bill
<> FF
Full Assignment Filing
<> FG
<> FI
First Cost Invoice
<> FL
Final Notice
<> FM
Funding Modification
<> FN
First Notice of Loss
<> FP
Flat Rate Per Unit Bill
<> FQ
Full Enrollment File
<> FR
Federal Royalty
<> FS
Financial Statement Report
<> FT
Material Returns
<> G1
<> G2
Request for Confirmation
<> G3
Confirmation Response
<> GA
Government Furnished Material Inquiry Advice
<> GI
Government Furnished Material Inquiry
<> GR
<> GS
Credit Report
<> GT
Disability Notice
<> GU
Black Lung Claim
<> GV
Claim Experience Report
<> GW
Employer's Report
<> GX
Longshore Report
<> GY
Unit Report
<> HA
Hazardous Waste Report
<> HB
Discharge Monitoring Report
<> HC
Risk Management Plan
<> HD
Self Monitoring Report
<> HE
Hazardous Air Pollutant Inventory Report
<> HF
Stationary Point Source Inventory Report
<> HG
Toxic Release Inventory Report
<> HP
Horsepower Equalization Bill
<> HX
Handling Carrier Agreement Update
<> I1
In-Ad Coupon Notification
<> IA
<> IB
Installation Final Bill
<> IC
Insurance Coverage Notification
<> ID
Employers Report of Disability
<> IE
Indian Royalty
<> IF
Material, Engineering, Installation, Final Bill
<> II
Interfund Transfer In
<> IM
Incident Notice
<> IN
<> IO
Interfund Transfer Out
<> IR
Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> IU
Material, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> IW
Workers Compensation Report of Injury or Illness
<> IX
Interchange Update
<> IZ
Investment Fees
<> JM
Maintenance and Operations Bill
<> JO
Joint Facility Miscellaneous Bill or Other
<> JR
Rental Bill
<> JS
Junction Settlement Update
<> JU
<> JX
Junction Update
<> KB
Termination for Default
<> KC
Definitization of Contract
<> KD
Definitization of Order
<> KE
Exercise of Option
<> KF
Intent to Exercise Option
<> KG
Administrative Change
<> KH
Change Order
<> KI
Supplemental Agreement
<> KJ
Amended Shipping Instructions
<> KK
Provisioned Item
<> KL
Withdrawal of Offer
<> KM
Additions to General Provisions
<> KN
Request for Price Quote
<> KS
Addition to Solicitation Mailing List
<> KT
Termination for Convenience
<> LC
Due-in Reconciliation Inquiry
<> LD
Loan Distribution
<> LE
Loan Repayment Expense
<> LF
Landed Costs
<> LN
Loss Notification
<> LO
Loan Repayment to Principal Only
<> LP
Loan Repayment
<> LR
Logistics Reassignment
<> LV
<> M1
Manufacturer Coupon Notification
<> M5
Measurement Events and Alarms
<> MA
Mailing List
<> MB
Maintenance to Business Taxpayer Registration
<> MC
Material Credit Invoice
<> MD
Market Development Fund
<> ME
<> MF
Material, Engineering, Final Bill
<> MI
Material, Installation, Final Bill
<> ML
Membership List
<> MM
Multiple Shippers, Multiple Consignees
<> MP
Mise En Place (In Place)
<> MR
Material, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> MS
Material Final Bill
<> MU
Multifamily Program
<> N1
<> N2
Notice of Assessment
<> N3
Notice of Warrant
<> N4
Notice of Adjustment
<> N5
Notice of Determination
<> N6
Notice of Settlement
<> N7
Notice of Recorded Lien
<> N8
Notice of Deficiency
<> NA
Material Release Order
<> NB
Material Release Inquiry
<> NC
Material Release Order Forced Closure
<> ND
Material Release Cancellation
<> NE
Disposal Release Order
<> NF
Disposal Release Inquiry
<> NG
Disposal Release Cancellation
<> NH
Disposal Shipment Confirmation Inquiry
<> NI
Redistribution Order
<> NJ
Material Release Confirmation
<> NK
Material Release Denial
<> NL
Material Release Advice
<> NM
Disposal Release Confirmation
<> NO
<> NP
Disposal Release Denial
<> NQ
Disposal Release Advice
<> NR
Material Release Cancellation Advice
<> NS
<> NT
Disposal Release Cancellation Advice
<> NU
Inventory Adjustment
<> OA
Operational Capacity
<> OC
On Approval
<> OF
<> OP
<> OR
<> P1
<> P2
Employer Group Change
<> P3
Individual Change
<> P4
Employer Open Enrollment
<> PA
Progress Payment Invoice
<> PB
Partial Bill
<> PC
Invention Report
<> PD
Product Allocation
<> PE
<> PF
Partial Assignment Filing
<> PG
Premium Routing Guide
<> PH
Prospective Student Information
<> PI
Personal Injury Bill
<> PJ
Component Packing Confirmation
<> PL
Plan Allocation
<> PM
Premium Payment
<> PO
Plan Takeover
<> PP
Prepaid Invoice
<> PQ
Partial Enrollment File
<> PR
Product (or Service)
<> PS
Postsecondary Student Academic Record
<> PT
Plan-to-plan Transfer
<> PU
Notice of Claim
<> PV
Protest or Response to Claim
<> PW
Claim Decision
<> PX
Wage Verification Notice
<> PZ
Purchase Report
<> Q1
Scheduled Quantity
<> Q2
Scheduled Quantity for Operator
<> QA
Coupon Regular Clearinghouse Invoice
<> QB
Coupon Direct Retailer Invoice
<> QC
Coupon Clearinghouse Pay Direct Invoice
<> QD
Product Quality Deficiency
<> QE
Coupon Scan Validate Invoice
<> QF
Scan Validate Adjustment
<> QG
Quick Response Routing Guide
<> QH
Full Coupon Redemption (No Adjustments)
<> QJ
Adjusted Coupon Redemption
<> QK
Coupon Redemption Detail
<> QL
Adjustments to Previous Coupon Redemption
<> QP
Coupon Quick Pay Invoice
<> QR
Product Quality Deficiency Response
<> R1
Request for Enrollment Verification
<> R2
Response to Request for Enrollment Verification
<> R3
Response to Garnishment
<> R4
Release of Garnishment
<> R5
Response to Levy
<> R6
Release of Levy
<> R7
Response to Order to Withhold
<> R8
Release of Order to Withhold
<> RA
Request for Credit
<> RB
Right to Use
<> RC
Request for Quote
<> RD
Returns Detail
<> RE
<> RF
Material, Engineering, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> RG
Revised Final Bill
<> RH
Request for Additional Funds
<> RI
Routing Instructions
<> RJ
Response to Request for Routing Instructions
<> RK
<> RM
Reminder to File
<> RP
<> RQ
<> RS
Response - Additional Response(s) Available
<> RT
Spend Down
<> RU
Medical Services Reservation
<> RZ
Removed from Solicitation Mailing List
<> S1
Special Routing Guide
<> S2
Standard Routing Guide
<> S3
Supplemental Loan Repayment
<> S4
<> SA
Stand-alone Lease Schedule
<> SB
Second Notice of Balance Due
<> SC
<> SD
Supply Process Deficiency
<> SE
Special Bilateral
<> SF
Single Family Program
<> SG
Sample Goods Invoice
<> SH
Shipment Status Notification
<> SI
Sight Certification Request
<> SL
Summary Lease Schedule
<> SM
Single Shipper, Multiple Consignees
<> SO
Spot Rate
<> SP
Supplier Rating
<> SQ
Schedule Query
<> SR
Supply Process Deficiency Response
<> SS
Single Shipper, Single Consignee
<> ST
State Royalty
<> SU
<> SV
Supplemental Invoice
<> T1
Report sent by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T2
Report sent to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T3
Common Core of Data (CCD) Report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T4
Common Core of Data (CCD) Report to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T5
Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T6
Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS) Report to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
<> T7
Transportation Invoice
<> T8
Sales Invoice
<> T9
Service Requester Level Invoice
<> TD
Shipment or Movement Deficiency
<> TF
Tax or Fee Exemption Certification
<> TG
Receipt Acknowledgment Inquiry
<> TH
Receipt Acknowledgment Advice
<> TI
Delinquent Due-in Advice
<> TJ
Delinquent Due-in Inquiry
<> TK
Due-in Reconciliation Advice
<> TL
Total Loss Evaluation
<> TP
Trading Partner Information
<> TR
Shipment or Movement Deficiency Response
<> TS
Transfer Statement
<> TT
Testing Service Report
<> TX
Request for Testing Service Report
<> U1
Contract Abstract
<> U2
Shipment Performance Notice
<> U4
Acceptance Alert
<> U5
<> U9
Contract Payment Notice
<> UA
Amendment Filing
<> UC
Uniform Commercial Code Filing
<> UD
Unsalable Detail
<> UF
Material, Engineering, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
<> UI
Uniform Commercial Code Filing Inquiry
<> UM
Termination Filing
<> UO
Original Filing
<> UP
Unsalable Product Invoice
<> UR
Uniform Commercial Code Filing Response to Inquiry
<> US
Unsubscribed Capacity
<> UT
Continuation Filing
<> V1
Contract Completion Report
<> V2
Nomination Quick Response
<> V3
Confirmation Response Quick Response
<> V4
Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response
<> V5
Request for Confirmation Quick Response
<> VH
Public Voucher
<> VJ
Commercial Invoice
<> VL
Violation Notice
<> VM
Voluntary MEDWATCH Report
<> VN
Mandatory MEDWATCH Report
<> VO
Medical Device New Baseline Report
<> VP
Medical Device Annual Baseline Report
<> VQ
User Facility Annual Medical Device Report
<> VR
Annual Certification of Medical Device Report
<> W1
Weapons Data Change
<> W4
Weapons Control Report
<> W5
Weapons Control Report Reconciliation
<> WA
Work Assignment
<> WC
Workers Compensation Proof of Coverage Notification
<> WD
<> WH
Order to Withhold
<> WO
Work Order
<> WS
<> WT
<> X1
Consolidator's Invoice
<> XA
Cancel Pending New Offer
<> XB
Bilateral Spot Rate
<> XC
Automatic Concurrence
<> XD
Special Deprescription
<> XX
Firm Order Confirmation with Facility Information
<> XY
Firm Order Confirmation
<> XZ
Facility Confirmation
<> YI
Funds Validation Inquiry
<> YR
Funds Validation Response
<> Z1
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
<> Z2
Project Directive
<> Z3
Request for Contractual Procurement
<> Z4
Reimbursable Work Order
<> ZA
Request Initiation of Work Candidate
<> ZB
Report of Work Candidate
<> ZC
Report of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
<> ZD
Request Assignment of Work Candidate to Planning Maintenance Activity
<> ZE
Request for Full Work Candidate Detail
<> ZF
Report of Full Work Candidate Detail
<> ZG
Report of Approved Work Candidate
<> ZH
Request Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
<> ZI
Report of Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
<> ZJ
Request Work Candidate Planning Services
<> ZK
Report of Work Candidate Planning Services
<> ZL
Report of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Planning/Maintenance Activity
<> ZM
Request of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
<> ZN
Stop Work Order
<> ZO
Authorization to Continue Work
<> ZP
Request for Departure From Specification
<> ZQ
Report of Authorized Departure From Specification
<> ZR
Request Work Progress Status
<> ZS
Report of Work Progress Status
<> ZT
Report of Rejection or Return of Work Candidate
<> ZU
Request Work Candidate Change
<> ZV
Lien Filing
<> ZW
Sort and Segregate Detail
<> ZX
Expungement of Prior Filing
<> ZY
Cancellation of Filing
<> ZZ
Mutually Defined