748 Movement Authority Code
748 Movement Authority Code
Code indicating the interchange authority
Max 2 / Min 1
<> A
Released From Bad Order
<> B
Bad Order Setback
<> C
Car Not Weighed
<> D
Empty Received as a Load
<> DS
Destination Switch Move
<> E
Embargoed Shipment
<> G
Refused by Customer - Unneeded
<> HM
Haulage Movement
<> I
Interchanged in Error
<> L
Not in Compliance With Special Car Order 90 or Special Car Order 100 Empty
<> M
Empty - No handling required by Car Service Rules
<> N
No Record Rights
<> NC
No Clearance
<> NU
Not on Universal Machine Language Equipment Register
<> O
Overweight Shipment
<> OA
Old Age (Over-age)
<> OS
Origin Switch Move
<> P
Intermediate Switch Carrier
<> R
Refused by Customer - Unfit
<> RB
RBOX or RGON Exception
<> S
Car Applied to Shipper Car Order - Place for Loading
<> T
Transfer or Adjustment of Lading Car Service Rate 10, Sections 1 & 2
<> W
No Waybill
<> X
Association of American Railroads Restriction