812 Payment Format Code
812 Payment Format Code
Code identifying the payment format to be used
Max 10 / Min 1
<> ACK
ACH Payment Acknowledgment
<> ADV
Automated Account Advice
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPs remittance in an ANSI X12 Format
<> ARC
Accounts Receivable Entry
<> ATX
Financial EDI Acknowledgment
<> BOC
Back Office Conversion Entry
<> BPT
Bill Payment
<> CBC
Consumer/Employee Check
<> CBR
Corporate Cross-Border Payment
<> CCD
Cash Concentration/Disbursement (CCD) (ACH)
<> CCP
Cash Concentration/Disbursement plus Addenda (CCD+) (ACH)
<> CIE
Customer Initiated Entry
<> CIP
Customer Initiated Entry Plus Addenda
<> CTX
Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) (ACH)
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a General XML Format
<> IAP
International ACH Payment with Addenda Type Code 17
<> IAT
International Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transaction
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in an ISO XML Format
<> MTE
Machine Transfer Entry
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Free Form Format
<> PBC
Commercial/Corporate Check
<> PBR
Consumer Cross-Border Payment
<> POP
Point of Purchase Entry
<> POS
Point of Sale Entry
<> PPD
Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD+) (ACH)
<> PPP
Prearranged Payment and Deposit plus Addenda (PPD+) (ACH)
<> PRD
Preauthorized Draft
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Proprietary Local Instrument Format
<> RCK
Re-presented Check Entry
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Related Remittance Structured Format
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Related Remittance Information Format
<> S820
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a STP 820 Format
<> SHR
Shared Network Transaction
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPs Remittance is in a SWIFT Field 70 Format
<> TEL
Telephone-Initiated Entry
<> TRC
Truncated Entry
<> TRX
Truncated Entries Exchange
Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in an U.N. EDIFACT Format
<> WEB
Internet-Initiated Entry
<> WEP
Internet Initiated Entry (WEB+)(ACH)
<> XCK
Destroyed Check Entry