756 Report Transmission Code
756 Report Transmission Code
Code specifing timing, transmission method or format by which reports are to be sent
Max 2 / Min 1
<> 1
Summary Electronic Invoice
<> 2
Full Electronic Invoice
<> 3
Printed Invoice Sent by Mail
<> 4
Summary Electronic Invoice and Printed Invoice Sent by Mail
<> 5
Full Electronic Invoice and Printed Invoice Sent by Mail
<> 6
No paper Invoice
<> 7
Summary Electronic Invoice and No paper Invoice
<> 8
Full Electronic Invoice and No Paper Invoice
<> 9
Electronic Mail
<> AA
Available on Request at Provider Site
<> AB
Previously Submitted to Payer
<> AC
American College of Radiology/National Electronic Manufacturers Association (ACR/NEMA DICOM) Format
<> AD
Certification Included in this Claim
<> AE
Electronically After Shipping
<> AF
Narrative Segment Included in this Claim
<> AG
No Documentation is Required
<> AM
By Mail After Shipping
<> AS
American Society for Testing and Materials Format (ASTM E1238)
<> AT
American Society for Testing and Materials Format (ASTM E1384)
<> AU
By Data Pattern
<> BE
By Mail and Electronically
<> BM
By Mail
<> BW
Best Way (Sender's Option)
<> CD
Courier Diskette
<> CF
<> CP
Courier Paper
<> CT
Courier Tape
<> DA
<> EL
Electronically Only
<> EM
<> FT
File Transfer
<> FX
By Fax
<> GS
On General Services Administration (GSA) Form 10050
<> HL
Health Industry Level 7 Interface Standards (HL/7) Format
<> IA
Electronic Image
<> IE
Electronically with Invoice
<> IM
By Mail with Invoice
<> MB
Binary Image
<> MD
Mail Diskette
<> MN
Magnetic Media
<> MP
Mail Paper
<> MT
Mail Tape
<> NS
Not Specified
<> OL
<> PO
Printed Original Required
<> SE
Electronically Before Shipping
<> SM
By Mail Before Shipping
<> SN
With Ship Notice
<> SW
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
<> TA
<> TE
Separately, Electronically at Time of Shipping
<> TM
Separately, by Mail at Time of Shipping
<> TX
<> VO
<> WS
With Shipment (With Package)