1681 Primary Source of Index Code
1681 Primary Source of Index Code
Code identifying the source of the index value used for adjustable rate mortgage changes
Max 2 / Min 2
<> 01
Wall Street Journal
<> 02
Department of Treasury Public Debt News
<> 03
Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
<> 04
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 11th District San Francisco
<> 05
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1st District Boston
<> 06
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 2nd District New York
<> 07
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 4th District Atlanta
<> 08
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 4th District New York
<> 09
Federal Housing Finance Board
<> 10
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
<> 11
Federal Reserve Statistical Release G.13
<> 12
Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15
<> 13
Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)
<> 14
Office of Thrift Supervision
<> 15
Reuter's Wire Service
<> 16