363 Note Reference Code
363 Note Reference Code
Code identifying the functional area or purpose for which the note applies
Max 3 / Min 3
<> 101
Target Audience
<> 102
Additional Trade Item Description
<> 103
Cash Register Description
<> 104
Cooking Suggestions
<> 105
Description Extended
<> 106
Direct Product Markings Description
<> 107
Feature and benefits description
<> 108
Finish Description
<> 109
Functional Name
<> 110
General Description
<> 111
Marketing Message
<> 112
Promotional Markings
<> 113
Precaution Statement
<> 116
Shape Description
<> 117
Trade Item Description
<> 119
Product Image Web Description - Bullets
<> AAA
Agent Details
<> AAB
Associated Business Areas
<> AAC
<> AAD
Nationality Details
<> AAE
<> AAF
<> AAH
Additional Facility Details
<> AAI
Exemption Law Location Description
<> AAJ
Forecast Details
<> AAK
Import and Export Details
<> AAL
Inventory Valuation
<> AAM
Product Brands Sold Description
<> AAN
Purchase Territory
<> AAO
<> AAP
Supplier Description
<> AAQ
Education Description
<> AAR
Liquidity Details
<> AAS
Former Activity Description
<> AAT
Division Description
<> ABN
Abbreviated Nomenclature
<> ACC
Access Instructions
<> ACI
Additional Claim Information
<> ACN
Action Taken
<> ACS
Actual Solution
<> ACT
<> ADD
Additional Information
<> AEO
Microbiological - Aerobic Spores Results
<> AES
Actual Evaluation Summary
<> AET
Adverse Event Terms
<> AFA
<> AFB
Generic Chemical Name
<> AFC
Prevention Program Description
<> AFD
Risk Management Plan Description
<> AFE
Safety Comments
<> AFF
<> ALG
<> ALL
All Documents
<> ALT
<> AMN
Additional Manufacturer Narrative
<> AOO
Area of Operation
<> APN
Application Notes
<> APS
Appropriation Specifications
<> ASI
Assembly Instructions
<> BBD
Bank Description
<> BBF
Business Founder
<> BBH
Business History
<> BBN
Banking Notes
<> BBO
Business Origin Description
<> BBT
Brand Names
<> BFD
Business Financing Details
<> BOL
Bill of Lading Note
<> BUR
Bureau Remarks
<> CAA
Authentication Information
<> CAB
Line of In-State Business
<> CAC
Relationship Information
<> CAD
Basis for Amount Due
<> CAE
Type of Debt
<> CAF
Land Use Purpose
<> CAG
Land Description
<> CAH
Basis of Calculation
<> CAI
General Business Description
<> CAJ
Type of Business
<> CAK
Character of Business
<> CAL
Representation of Value
<> CAM
Supporting Statement, Tax, and Fee Computation
<> CAN
Cooperative Corporation Statement
<> CAO
Close Corporation Statement
<> CAP
Agreement to Abide by Laws
<> CAQ
Stock Restrictions
<> CAR
Other Related Information
<> CAS
Prohibition Against Being an Officer
<> CAT
Qualification of Director
<> CAU
Nature of Charter
<> CAV
Statement of Assets and Liabilities
<> CAW
Bankruptcy Information
<> CAX
Certificate of Disclosure
<> CAZ
Asset Detail
<> CBA
Statement Related to Regulation
<> CBB
Consideration to be Received
<> CBC
Other Lawful Provisions
<> CBH
Monetary Amount Description
<> CBI
Description of Title
<> CCA
<> CCB
Construction Details
<> CCC
Construction Financing
<> CCD
Construction Line of Business
<> CCE
Contract Details
<> CCF
Corporate Filing Details
<> CCG
Customer Description
<> CCN
Copyright Notice
<> CDD
Contingent Debt Details
<> CER
Certification Narrative
<> CFP
Call for Appointment
<> CHG
<> CHI
Choking Hazard Information
<> CIG
Cigarette Information
<> CIP
Preparation and Cooking Instructions
<> CIR
Circumstances Prior to Difficulty
<> CLN
Classifying Information
<> CLR
Security Clearance Instructions
<> CMP
Concomitant Medical Product Description
<> CMT
Maintenance Comment
<> CNI
Consumer Usage Storage Instructions
<> COD
Corrected Data
<> COM
Consumer Comments
<> CON
Conviction Act Details
<> CPV
Consumer Product Variant Description
<> CRA
Credit Report Alerts
<> CRK
Closing Comment
<> CRN
Credit Report Notes
<> CUS
Customs declaration
<> CVA
Ingredient Country of Origin
<> CVB
Tariff Country of Origin
<> CVC
Country of Last Processing
<> CVD
Country of Assembly
<> CVE
Logistics Country of Origin
<> DCL
Disclaimer Statement
<> DCP
Goals, Rehabilitation Potential, or Discharge Plans
<> DCS
Destination Control Statement
<> DDC
Deficiency Description Changes
<> DEE
Event Description
<> DEL
<> DEP
Problem Description
<> DFR
Dose, Frequency and Route Description
<> DFS
Departure from Specification Comment
<> DGN
Diagnosis Description
<> DME
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Supplies
<> DOD
Description of Damage
<> DOI
Outcome Description
<> DRV
Driver Out of Service Notice
<> DRW
Driver Out of Service Resolution
<> DSW
Detailed Statement of Work
<> EAA
Other Type of Group
<> EAB
Ballot Measure
<> EAC
<> EAD
<> EAE
Prohibited Contribution Circumstance
<> EAF
Committee Activity
<> EAG
Compensation Arrangement
<> EAH
Country Sub-Entity
<> EAI
<> EAJ
<> EAK
In-Kind Contribution Use
<> EAL
Industry Group
<> EAM
<> EAN
Nature and Purpose of Other Lobbyist Employers
<> EAO
Description of Office
<> EAP
Party Considering Legislation
<> EAQ
Description of Position
<> EAR
Description of Sponsor
<> EAS
<> EAT
Asset Disposition
<> EAV
Committee Interest
<> EAW
Compensation or Services Exchanged for Consideration
<> EAX
Contributor Interest
<> EAY
Description of Debt
<> EAZ
Employer Description
<> EBA
Purpose of Employment
<> EBB
Description of Agency and Position
<> EBC
Description of Goods and Services
<> EBD
Length of Lobbying Actions
<> EBE
Lobbying Interest
<> EBF
Method of Disposal
<> EBG
Purpose of Credit
<> EBH
Description of Other Business Sub-Category
<> EBI
Other Type of Compensation
<> EBJ
Description of Other Legislative Interest
<> EBK
Other Reason for Withdrawal
<> EBL
Other Type of Relationship
<> EBM
Other Temporary Residence
<> EBN
Other Type of Committee
<> EBO
Place Paid
<> EBP
<> EBQ
Reason for Purchase
<> EBR
Reason for Contribution
<> EBS
Description of Repayment Schedule
<> EBU
Service Description
<> EBV
<> EBW
Description of Amendment
<> EBX
Type of Election
<> EBY
Other Type of Account
<> EBZ
Interest Rate Description
<> ECA
In-Kind Contribution
<> ECB
Reason for Refund
<> ECC
Incidental Expenses
<> ECD
Environmental Conditions Description
<> ECE
Other Expenses
<> ECF
Other Income
<> ECG
Description of Receipt
<> ECH
Surplus Funds
<> ECI
<> ECJ
<> ECK
Miscellaneous Receipt Transaction
<> ECL
Other Advertising
<> ECM
Estimate Comment
<> ECN
Equipment Condition Description
<> ECO
Other Necessary Personal Expense
<> ECP
Other Campaign Expense
<> ECQ
Long-Term Liability
<> ECR
Short-Term Liability
<> ECS
Other Sponsor Expense
<> ECT
Emergency Certification
<> ECU
Other Transportation Expense
<> ECV
<> ECW
Reason for Return
<> EED
Equipment Description
<> EFD
Equipment Function Description
<> ELE
Equipment Log Entry
<> EMC
Employment Comments
<> EMD
Estimate Method Description
<> ENR
Explanation for Non-Return of Device to Manufacturer
<> ERN
Error Notes
<> EVL
Event Location
<> EXE
Exemption Description
<> EXN
Exhibit Notes
<> EXR
Exercise Routine
<> EXT
Exterior Description
<> FDD
Final Deficiency Description
<> FEE
Fee Description
<> FIX
Repair Summary
<> FLS
Fair Labor Standards Act
<> FRE
<> FUE
<> FUT
Future Plans
<> GEN
Entire Transaction Set
<> GPI
General Product or Process Information
<> GPL
General Policy
<> GSI
General Specification Information
<> HHI
Household Goods Information
<> ICN
Interviewee Conversation
<> IDT
Intangible Description
<> IID
Inventory (Stock) Description
<> IIE
Investment Description
<> IIR
Intercompany Relations
<> ILC
International Logistics Control Office (ILCO)
<> IMP
Problem Impact
<> ING
Ingredient Statement
<> INP
Reason for Inspection
<> INS
<> INT
General Order Instructions
<> INV
Invoice Instruction
<> IVC
Income Verification Comments
<> JVD
Joint Venture Description
<> LAB
Labeling Instructions
<> LBD
Laboratory Data
<> LBS
Labeled Strength
<> LEN
Lender Use
<> LIN
Line Item
<> LIQ
Liquor Information
<> LLA
Letters of Liability Agreements
<> LLB
Loan Details
<> LLC
Long Term Debt Description
<> LOC
Location Description Information
<> LOI
Loading Instructions
<> LSD
Legal Structure Details
<> MAE
Microbiological Aerobic Spores Results
<> MAN
Microbiological Anerobic Spores Results
<> MAS
Microbiological - Anaerobic Spores Results
<> MCD
Marital Contract Details
<> MCL
Mineral Claim Information
<> MCN
Motor Carrier Instructions
<> MDO
Device Operator Description
<> MED
<> MFG
Manufacturing Instructions
<> MKN
Marketing Notes
<> MMD
Merger Description
<> MPI
Monetary Performance Details
<> MSD
Marketable Securities Description
<> NCD
Nonconformance Specification
<> NCI
Nutrient Claim Information
<> NPD
Nameplate Data
<> NTR
Nutritional Requirements
<> OBI
Originator to Beneficiary Instructions
<> OBL
Obligation Description
<> OCA
Other Current Asset Description
<> OCC
Occupancy Information
<> OCL
Other Current Liability Description
<> OCP
<> OCR
Outside the Continental U.S. (OCONUS) Rating Information
<> ODD
Originator Deficiency Description
<> ODT
Orders for Disciplines and Treatments
<> OLS
Original Legal Structure
<> OPO
Occupation Definition
<> ORA
Test Results Other Than Room Air
<> ORD
Ordering Restrictions
<> ORE
Other Remedial Action
<> ORI
Order Instructions
<> OTH
Other Instructions
<> OTN
Another Type of Number Description
<> OTS
Report Source Description
<> PAC
USDA Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA)
<> PAY
<> PBE
Product Benefits
<> PCS
Process Specification
<> PCU
Product Care and Use Instructions
<> PDS
Product Specification
<> PED
Employee Sharing Arrangements
<> PEN
Penalty Description
<> PER
<> PES
Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PO2) is 60 millimeters (MM) of Mercury (Hg) or above, or arterial blood oxygen saturation is 90% or above
<> PFE
Product Features
<> PGM
Program Details
<> PID
Property Improvement Description
<> PKG
Packaging Instructions
<> PMT
<> POB
Primary Observation
<> POC
Principals or Organization Comments
<> POL
Property Owner Location Information
<> PPC
Principal Procedure Code Description
<> PRI
<> PRN
Public Record Notes
<> PRO
Previous Registered Office
<> PRR
Price Range
<> PSY
Problem Summary
<> PUC
Public Utility Message
<> PUR
<> QPI
Quantity Performance Details
<> QUL
<> QUT
Quotation Instruction
<> RDI
Reason for Delinquency Information
<> REC
<> REF
Treatment Refusal Note
<> REG
Registered Activity
<> REP
<> REV
<> RFL
Reason for Leaving
<> RHB
Functional Limitations, Reason Homebound, or Both
<> RLA
Reason for Leave of Absence
<> RLH
Reasons Patient Leaves Home
<> RNH
Times and Reasons Patient Not at Home
<> RNI
Missing Report Explanation
<> ROU
Circuit Routing Instructions
<> RPT
Report Remarks
<> RST
Place Where a Report was Submitted
<> RVC
Rent Verification Comments
<> SAN
Settlement Amount Notes
<> SCN
Ocean Shipping Container Information
<> SCQ
Shipping Packaging Quantity Description
<> SDD
Sentence Description
<> SES
Settlement Submission Detail
<> SET
Unusual Home, Social Environment, or Both
<> SFM
Safety Measures
<> SHC
Storage and Handling Conditions
<> SHR
Shipping Restrictions
<> SMD
Selling Means Description
<> SOB
Secondary Observation
<> SOW
Statement of Work
<> SPC
Special Instructions for the Distribution Center
<> SPH
Special Handling
<> SPT
Supplementary Plan of Treatment
<> SPV
Closing Instructions
<> SSA
School Attended Details
<> SSC
Status Comment
<> SSD
Sales Description
<> SSE
Spouse Information
<> SSG
School Graduated Details
<> SSH
Security Service Information
<> SSI
Shareholding Information
<> SSJ
Serving Size Description
<> SSK
Serving Suggestions
<> SSS
Signing Authority
<> SST
Sales Territory
<> STO
<> TAF
Tariff Abbreviation
<> TAN
Tasting Note
<> TAR
Target Market
<> TAX
Tax Regulatory Statement
<> TCF
Tariff Commodity Footnotes
<> TDA
Turkish Defense Affairs Authorization Information
<> TES
Task Statement
<> TIL
Tariff Index
<> TLF
Tariff Rule
<> TLR
Tradeline Remarks
<> TMP
Toxic Organic Management Plan
<> TPO
Third Party Organization Notes
<> TRA
<> TRE
Reportable Event Description
<> TRF
Tariff Rate Footnotes
<> TRS
Quality Information
<> TSD
Terms of Sale Description
<> TSF
Tariff Section Footnotes
<> TST
Test Results
<> UNL
Unloading Instructions
<> UPI
Updated Information
<> USD
Country of Origin per United States Department of Agriculture legislation
<> VCI
Vitamin Claim Information
<> VEC
Verification Comments
<> VEH
Vehicle Out of Service Notice
<> VNN
Variation Notes
<> WAR
Warranty Information
<> WHI
Warehouse Instruction
<> WRN
<> WRP
Wrapping Instructions
<> XCM
External Container Marking Text
<> ZED
Zero Discharge Certification Statement
<> ZZZ
Mutually Defined