426 Adjustment Reason Code
426 Adjustment Reason Code
Code indicating reason for debit or credit memo or adjustment to invoice, debit or credit memo, or payment
Max 2 / Min 2
<> 00
Automated Credit Card Transaction
<> 01
Pricing Error
<> 02
Allowance/Charge Error
<> 03
Extension Error
<> 04
Item Not Accepted - Damaged
<> 05
Item Not Accepted - Quality
<> 06
Quantity Contested
<> 07
Incorrect Product
<> 08
Substitute Product
<> 09
Terms of Sale Error
<> 10
Pallet/Container Charge Error
<> 11
Returns - Damage
<> 12
Returns - Quality
<> 13
Returns - Dating
<> 14
Returns - Promotion
<> 15
Returns - Recall
<> 16
Non-Invoice Related Allowance/Charge
<> 17
Required Data Missing
<> 18
Not Company Bill
<> 19
Duplicate Billing
<> 20
Balance Due Declined
<> 21
Shipment Method of Payment Incorrect
<> 22
Weight Error
<> 23
Special Charge Not Authorized
<> 24
Incorrect Discount
<> 25
Item Not Accepted
<> 26
Invoice Cancelled
<> 27
Product Transfers Subject to Charge Back
<> 28
Rebated Shipments
<> 29
Fee Incorrect
<> 30
Delivery Charge Incorrect
<> 31
Pickup Charge Incorrect
<> 32
Oversize Premium Invalid
<> 33
Currency Exchange Incorrect
<> 34
Declared Value Incorrect
<> 35
Commodity Code Incorrect
<> 36
Scale Number Incorrect
<> 37
Dimensions Incorrect
<> 38
Service Incorrect
<> 39
Shipper/Consignee Ref. Number Missing
<> 40
Address Incorrect
<> 41
Item Not Accepted-Delay
<> 42
Item Not Accepted - Loss
<> 43
Missing Discount
<> 44
Required Documents Missing
<> 45
Stale Bill Over 180 Days Old
<> 46
Transportation Charge Incorrect
<> 47
Advanced Charge Incorrect
<> 48
Service Charge
<> 49
Processing Charge
<> 50
Late Charge
<> 51
Interest Penalty Charge
<> 52
Credit for Overpayment
<> 53
Remittance for Previous Underpayment
<> 54
Freight Deducted
<> 55
Tax Deducted
<> 56
Advertising Allowance Taken
<> 57
Volume Discount Taken
<> 58
Invoice billing received after final billing
<> 59
Item not received
<> 60
No open item on file
<> 61
No open order on file
<> 62
Material/Item Description Error
<> 63
Customer Paid Invoice Which Was Previously Disputed
<> 64
Sale of Property
<> 65
Claim Paid on Appraisal
<> 66
Disability Insurance or Income
<> 68
Death Benefit Reduction
<> 69
Employer Provided Pension
<> 70
Advanced Ship Notice Not Received
<> 71
Advertising Allowance
<> 72
Authorized Return
<> 73
Bill of Lading Not Received
<> 74
Cancel or Adjust Prior Credit/Debit Adjustment
<> 75
Total Order Not Received
<> 76
Cash Discount
<> 77
Competitive Allowance
<> 78
Competitive Price
<> 79
Cooperative Advertising
<> 80
<> 81
Credit as Agreed
<> 82
Defective Allowance
<> 83
Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) Delivery Charge
<> 84
Deviation from Order Date
<> 85
Distribution Discount/Allowance
<> 86
Duplicate Payment
<> 87
Duplicate Shipment
<> 88
Duty Charge Variance
<> 89
Early Buy Allowance
<> 90
Early Payment Allowance
<> 91
Engraving Charge
<> 92
Merchandise Not Ordered
<> 93
Field Destroy
<> 94
Fixtures Charge
<> 95
Floor Stock Protection
<> 96
Goods to Follow
<> 97
Handling Charge
<> 98
Labor Charges
<> 99
Late Shipment of Goods
<> A1
Layout/Design Charge
<> A2
Misshipped (Wrong Product Received)
<> A3
New Store Allowance
<> A4
Nonreceipt of Goods
<> A5
<> A6
Packing Violations
<> A7
Payment on Account
<> A8
Promotional Allowance
<> A9
Proof of Delivery Not Received
<> AA
Prepaid Benefit or Advances
<> AB
Partial Wage Continuation
<> AC
Apportionment or Contribution
<> AD
Non-Automated Credit Card Transaction
<> AE
Unemployment Compensation
<> AF
Guarantee Fee
<> AG
Guaranteed Amount
<> AH
Origination Fee
<> AI
Hanger - Non Store Approved Hanger
<> AJ
Hanger - Missing or Failure to Supply Hanger
<> AK
Hanger - Wrong Color
<> AL
Released to Borrower
<> AM
Applied to Borrower's Account
<> AN
Auto No Fault
<> AO
Returned to Lender
<> AP
Acceleration of Benefits
<> AQ
Returns - Overstock
<> AR
Acceleration of Reimbursement of Attorney Fees
<> AS
Returns - Discontinued
<> AT
Account Location Closed
<> AU
Accessory Payment
<> AV
Advertising Contribution
<> AW
Student Card Payment
<> AX
Person No Longer Employed
<> AY
Employee on Leave
<> AZ
Employee on Strike
<> B1
Proof of Shipment Not Received
<> B2
<> B3
Recovery Allowance
<> B4
Refurbishing Charge
<> B5
Repair of Goods
<> B6
Repay Discount
<> B7
Restocking Charge
<> B8
Routing Violation
<> B9
Samples Not Received
<> BA
Canadian Goods and Services Tax
<> BB
Quebec Goods and Services Tax
<> BC
Canadian Harmonized Goods and Services Tax
<> BD
Bad Debt Adjustment
<> BE
Fixture Allowance
<> BF
Return Allowance
<> BG
Bag Charge
<> BH
Opportunity Buy
<> BI
Hanger Charge
<> BJ
Insurance Charge
<> BK
Postage Charge
<> BL
Net Check Returned
<> BM
Net Collection Expense (Factor)
<> BN
<> BO
Change to Box Office Gross
<> BP
Net Chargeback of Client Risk (Factor)
<> BQ
Hanger - Wrong Size
<> BR
Benefit Rate
<> BS
Paid During Period
<> BT
Hanger - Quality Issue
<> BU
Hanger - Size Tab or Clip Missing
<> BV
Hanger - Size Tab or Clip Did Not Match Garment Size
<> BW
Hanger - Product Hung Incorrectly
<> BX
Excess Packaging - Clips
<> BY
Excess Packaging - Tissue
<> BZ
Excess Packaging - Foam
<> C1
Settlement of Account
<> C2
Special Allowance
<> C3
Special Finish
<> C4
Stock Balance
<> C5
Temporary Allowance
<> C6
Testing Charge
<> C7
Third Party Allowance
<> C8
Ticketing Error
<> C9
Ticketing Service
<> CA
Cancelled Promotion
<> CB
Collected Balance Adjustment Incorrect
<> CC
Excess Packaging - Cardboard Layer
<> CD
Excess Packaging - Pins
<> CE
Employer's Legal Expenses Paid to Date
<> CF
Excess Packaging - String
<> CG
Excess Packaging - Tiebacks
<> CH
Product Quality - Excess Wrinkling
<> CI
Size Indicator Strips - Missing
<> CJ
Size Indicator Strips - Improper Placement
<> CK
Valuation As Of
<> CL
Size Indicator Strips - Incorrect Size Information
<> CM
Covered by Credit Memo
<> CN
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 1 - Description
<> CO
Adjusted Compensation Rate
<> CP
Employer Paid Benefits due
<> CQ
<> CR
Capitation Interest
<> CS
<> CT
Capitation Payment
<> CU
Charge for Unrequested Service
<> CV
Capital Passthru
<> CW
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Passthru
<> CX
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 2 - Vendor Information
<> CY
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 3 - Symbol
<> CZ
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 4 - Consumer Information
<> D1
Transfer Between Accounts
<> D2
Transportation Direct Billing
<> D3
Unauthorized Deduction
<> D4
Unauthorized Product
<> D5
Volume Discount
<> D6
Recovery of Standard Allowances
<> D7
Cost Associated with Reworked Material
<> D8
Count and Recount Allowance
<> D9
Store Stock Price Protection
<> DA
Daylight Overdraft Charge Reversed
<> DB
Pension or Retirement Plan Disability Benefits
<> DC
Canadian Pension Plan
<> DD
Railroad Disability
<> DE
Deposited Item Price Incorrect
<> DF
Family Social Security
<> DG
Deduction Film Rental
<> DH
District Advance
<> DI
Social Security Supplemental Income
<> DJ
Jones Act (Merchant Seaman Injured on the Job)
<> DK
Damaged Film
<> DL
Deposited Item Volume Error
<> DM
Direct Medical Education Passthru
<> DN
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 5 - Size or Dimension
<> DO
Other Group Insurance
<> DP
Pension or Retirement Benefits
<> DQ
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 6 - Retail Price
<> DR
Social Security Retirements
<> DS
Social Security Disability
<> DT
Railroad Retirement
<> DU
Discontinued Product
<> DV
Civil Servants Plan
<> DW
<> DX
Royalty Deduction Type
<> DY
Distribution Issue
<> DZ
Item Tickets - Incorrect Information Zone 7 - Manufacturer's Suggested Price
<> E1
<> E2
Covered By Debit Memo
<> E3
<> E4
Warehouse Stock Price Protection
<> E5
Invoice Price Protection
<> E6
Goods and Services Tax 0% Rate, International Documentation Will Follow
<> E7
Goods and Services Tax Decreased Due to Billing Error
<> E8
Goods and Services Tax Increased Due to Billing Error
<> E9
Order Cancelled
<> EA
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 1 - Description
<> EB
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 2 - Vendor Information
<> EC
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 3 - Symbol
<> ED
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 4 - Consumer Information
<> EE
Encoding Error
<> EF
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 5 - Size or Dimension
<> EG
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 6 - Retail Price
<> EH
Item Tickets - Missing Information Zone 7 - Manufacturer's Suggested Price
<> EI
Item Tickets - Incorrect or Missing Multi-Piece Ticket
<> EJ
Item Tickets - Information Not Readable
<> EK
Item Tickets - Bar Code Degradation
<> EL
Item Tickets - Non Perforated
<> EM
Item Tickets - Missing Ticket
<> EN
Item Tickets - Tickets in Carton - Not Attached
<> EO
Item Tickets - Improper Placement
<> EP
Expanded Promotion
<> EQ
Item Tickets - Item Missing from Catalog at Time of Receipt
<> ER
Employer Reimbursement
<> ES
Item Tickets - Color-Coding for Size Missing or Incorrect
<> ET
Item Tickets - Item Ticket Affixed Improperly
<> EU
Ship Notice - Carton Content does not Match Ship Notice
<> EV
Ship Notice - Carton Count does not Match Ship Notice
<> EW
Ship Notice - Serial Shipping Container Code does not Match Ship Notice
<> EX
<> EY
Ship Notice - Missing Bill of Lading Information
<> EZ
Ship Notice - Duplicate Ship Notice
<> F1
<> F2
Ship Notice - Received Late
<> F3
Social Security
<> F4
<> F5
Other Long-term Disability Offset
<> F6
Indirect Offset Excess
<> F7
Black Lung Disease
<> F8
<> F9
Educational Benefit
<> FA
Anticipation Taken
<> FB
Forwarding Balance
<> FC
Fund Allocation
<> FD
Purchase Order - Size Not Ordered
<> FE
Purchase Order - Color Not Ordered
<> FF
Purchase Order - Store Did Not Order
<> FG
Purchase Order - Item Overage
<> FH
Promotion Violation
<> FI
Late Interest Paid
<> FJ
Does Not Accept Electronic Funds Transfer
<> FK
Logistics Label - Problem with Shipped From Address
<> FL
Logistics Label - Problem with Ship To Address
<> FM
Logistics Label - Problem with Postal Barcode Code
<> FN
Logistics Label - Problem with Carrier Information
<> FO
Logistics Label - Problem with Mark For Information
<> FP
Logistics Label - Problem with Serial Shipping Container Code
<> FQ
Logistics Label - Problem with Barcode
<> FR
Film Rental
<> FS
Logistics Label - Problem with Purchase Order Number
<> FT
Change to Film Rental Terms
<> FU
Forward Buy
<> FV
Logistics Label - Problem with Mark For Barcode
<> FW
Logistics Label - Problem with Product Group Description
<> FX
Logistics Label - Problem with Carton Count
<> FY
Logistics Label - Incorrect Label Format
<> FZ
Logistics Label - Incorrect Font or Print Size
<> G1
Profit Sharing
<> G2
Workmen's Compensation
<> G3
<> G4
Other Disability Plan
<> G5
Other Income
<> G6
Salary Continuance
<> G7
Short-term Disability
<> G8
Permanent and Total Disability
<> G9
State Disability Plan
<> GA
Free Goods
<> GB
Coupon Related
<> GC
Market Development Fund Deduction
<> GD
<> GE
Slotting Charge
<> GF
<> GG
Unsalable Merchandise
<> GH
Billback Allowance Deduction
<> GI
Logistics Label - Crushed Box, Label Not Usable
<> GJ
Unsalable Payments Deduction
<> GK
Split Commission Deduction - Basis Amount
<> GL
Unresolved Customer Deduction
<> GM
Split Commissions Deduction - Commission Amount
<> GN
General Advance
<> GO
Graduate Medical Education Passthru
<> GP
Logistics Label - Label Does Not Scan
<> GQ
Logistics Label - Not Human Readable
<> GR
<> GS
Packing - Ratio Incorrect for Pre-pack Shipment
<> GT
Packing - Mixedon
<> GU
Packing - Crushed Box
<> GV
Packing - Missing or Incorrect Pallets
<> GW
Packing - Load Not Sorted Correctly
<> GX
Packing - Problem with Pack List
<> GY
Packing - Multiple Purchase Orders Shipped in Carton
<> GZ
Packing - Problem with Bill of Lading Number or Format
<> H1
Information Forthcoming
<> H2
Payment Previously Sent
<> H3
Loan Paid in Full
<> H4
Bill Insured
<> H5
Loan Service Released
<> H6
Partial Payment Remitted
<> H7
Payment Forthcoming
<> H8
Bill Mortgagee
<> H9
Coverage Summary Needed
<> HA
Change to House Allowance
<> HB
Medical Payment
<> HC
Indemnity Payment
<> HD
Expense Payment
<> HE
Comprehensive Payment
<> HF
Collision Payment
<> HG
Bodily Injury Payment
<> HH
Packing - Carton Not Sealed Correctly
<> HI
Property Damage Payment
<> HJ
Polybags - Missing or Incorrect Type
<> HK
Polybags - Not Sealed or Incorrectly Sealed
<> HL
Transportation - Carrier Missed Delivery Appointment
<> HM
Hemophilia Clotting Factor Supplement
<> HN
Transportation - Carrier Detained
<> HO
Transportation - No Shipment Approval Number
<> HP
Transportation - Delivery to Wrong Location
<> HQ
Transportation - Excessive Shipments or Multiple Shipments on Consecutive Days
<> IA
Invoice Amount Does Not Match Account Analysis Statement
<> IC
Interest Charge-Rate Reduced to New York Prime Rate
<> IE
Interest Charge - Rate Reduced to Earnings Credit Rate
<> IF
Insufficient Funds
<> IL
Interest Charge-Rate Reduced to London Inter-bank Offer Rate (LIBOR)
<> IN
Inventory Policy
<> IP
Incentive Premium Payment
<> IR
Internal Revenue Service Withholding
<> IS
Interim Settlement
<> IT
Item Added
<> J1
<> J2
Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) Submitted
<> J3
Promised Adjustment Not Received
<> J4
Deficiency Report Authorized Adjustment
<> J5
Duplicate Summary Billing (Same Bill Number)
<> J6
Duplicate Summary Billing (Different Bill Number)
<> J7
Duplicate Summary Billing (Second Billing)
<> J8
Unable to Process
<> J9
Noninterfund Bill
<> JA
Recalled Item
<> JE
Journal Entry
<> K1
Other Coverage Placed
<> K2
Invalid Policy Number
<> K3
Renewal Not Received
<> K4
Return Merchandise Charge
<> K5
Refused Merchandise Charge
<> K6
Unauthorized Freight Invoice
<> K7
Unauthorized Freight on Merchandise Invoice
<> K8
Freight Inbound Return Merchandise
<> K9
Freight Outbound Return Merchandise
<> KA
Full Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges Per Corporate Agreement
<> KB
Full Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges Per Purchase Order
<> KC
Paper Bill of Lading Missing Department Number
<> KD
Paper Bill of Lading Missing Purchase Order Number
<> KE
Paper Bill of Lading Non Standard VICS Format
<> KF
Paper Bill of Lading Counter/Loader Not Indicated
<> KG
Partial Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges Per Corporate Agreement
<> KH
Partial Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Chares Per Purchase Order
<> KI
Freight Allowance Per Corporate Agreement
<> KJ
Freight Allowance Per Purchase Order
<> KK
Prepaid Advance Freight for Consolidator Shipments
<> KL
Redelivery Charge
<> KM
Charge for Second Delivery on Damaged Furniture
<> KN
Surface Freight Allowance Per Corporate Agreement
<> KO
Surface Freight Allowance Per Purchase Order
<> L1
<> L2
<> L3
<> L4
Administrative Fees
<> L5
Interest Due
<> L6
Interest Owed
<> L7
Miscellaneous Deductions
<> L8
Miscellaneous Credits
<> L9
Military Distribution Adjustment
<> LA
Loans against Future Compensations
<> LE
<> LF
Lawyer or Claimant Attorney Fees
<> LO
Ledger Overdraft Charge
<> LP
Late Payment
<> LS
Lump Sum
<> M1
Advertising - Unidentified
<> M2
Commissions Deductions
<> M3
Gift Certificates
<> M4
Salary Deduction
<> M5
Late 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender Transmission
<> M6
Missing 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender Transmission
<> M7
Late 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message Transmission
<> M8
Missing 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message Transmission
<> M9
Freight on Backorder
<> MA
Marketing Allowance
<> MB
Pickup Allowance
<> MC
Miscellaneous Costs
<> MD
Incorrect Purchase Order Number on Bill of Lading
<> ME
Purchase Order Number Not on Bill of Lading
<> MF
Multiple Purchase Order Numbers on Invoice
<> MG
Purchase Order Number Incorrect on Invoice
<> MH
Purchase Order Number Not on Invoice
<> MI
Transfer or Debit Balance
<> MJ
Truckload Allowance
<> MK
Warehouse Allowance
<> ML
Maximum Allowable Levy Exceeded
<> MM
Incorrect Product ID on Cartons
<> MN
Incorrect Purchase Order Number on Carton
<> MO
No Product ID on Cartons
<> MP
No Purchase Order Number on Carton
<> MQ
Storage Charges
<> MR
Manufacturer to Retail Bill-Back Allowance
<> MV
Miscellaneous Event
<> N1
Second Injury Fund
<> N2
Future Credit Amount
<> N3
Vocational Rehabilitation
<> N4
Uninsured Employer
<> N5
Silicosis, Dust Diseases, and Logging Industry Fund
<> N6
Vocationally Handicapped Fund
<> N7
Non-designated Fund
<> NA
Cash Receipt
<> NB
<> NC
Negative Charge
<> ND
<> NL
New Location
<> NO
New Promotion
<> NP
New Product
<> NR
Negative Repayment
<> O1
Bill of Lading Does Not Match 856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN)
<> O2
Incorrect Carton/Weight on Bill of Lading
<> O3
Charge for Combined Divisions on One Bill of Lading
<> O4
Charge for Consolidation Zone Freight Allowance Per Corporate Agreement
<> O5
Charge for Consolidation Zone Freight Allowance Per Purchase Order
<> O6
Charge for Exceeding Maximum Shipments Per Agreement
<> O7
Charge to Expedite Distribution Centre (DC) to Store
<> O8
Charge for Failure to Master Pack
<> O9
Inaccurate Cube Information
<> OA
Organ Acquisition Passthru
<> OB
Offset for Affiliated Providers
<> OC
Overstock Condition
<> OL
Court Ordered Lien
<> OP
Order Policy
<> OT
Other Trading-Partner Specific Reason
<> P1
Price Change
<> P2
Product Changeover
<> P3
Production Issue
<> PA
Picture Advance
<> PB
<> PC
Amendment of Limits
<> PD
Paid to Date
<> PE
Employment Benefits
<> PF
Payment First
<> PG
Carrier Filed Limitation
<> PH
<> PI
Periodic Interim Payment
<> PJ
Intercompany Sale
<> PK
<> PL
Payment Final
<> PM
Previous Month's Earnings Credit Carried Forward
<> PN
<> PO
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Premium Overcharge
<> PP
Quebec Pension Plan
<> PQ
<> PR
Prior Film Rental Payment
<> PS
Product Exclusion
<> PT
<> PU
<> PV
<> PW
State Limitation
<> PX
Store Certificates
<> PY
<> PZ
Equipment Rental
<> Q1
Charge Error
<> Q2
Allowance Error
<> Q3
Promotional Allowance - Trade Show
<> Q4
Promotional Allowance - Flyers
<> Q5
Promotional Allowance - New Product
<> Q6
Contract Price Error
<> Q7
Contract Price Error - Mark Up
<> Q8
Contract Price Error - Freight
<> Q9
Contract Price Error - Volume Discount
<> QA
Contract Price Error - Starting Price Error
<> QB
Contract Price Error - Invalid Date Range
<> QC
Contract Price Error - Freight Surcharge
<> QD
Drop Size
<> QE
Drop Frequency
<> QF
Manufacturer to Distributor Billback Allowance
<> QG
Deduction for Unpaid Receivable
<> R1
Returned Deposited Item Price Incorrect
<> R2
Returned Deposited Item Volume Error
<> R3
Returned Deposited Item Notification Volume Error
<> R4
Reduced Promotion
<> R5
Revised Plan (Re-plan)
<> R6
Revised Promotion
<> RA
Retro-activity Adjustment
<> RB
Agreed Freight Allowance
<> RC
Authorized Air Shipment
<> RD
Receiving Discrepancy
<> RE
Return on Equity
<> RF
Commission Discrepancy
<> RG
Difference On Returns
<> RH
Early Shipment of Goods
<> RI
Excessive Packing Materials
<> RJ
Failure to Consolidate
<> RK
Freight on Returns Inbound Only
<> RL
Freight on Returns Outbound Only
<> RM
Returned Material
<> RN
Handling Charge for Item Not Received
<> RO
Handling Charge for Non Receipt of Goods
<> RP
Handling Charge for Late Advance Ship Notice
<> RQ
Handling Charge for Samples Not Received
<> RR
Handling Charge for Unreadable Advance Ship Notice
<> RS
Incorrect Packing Assortment
<> RT
In-store Decoration Allowance
<> RU
<> RV
Label Placement
<> RW
Margin Contribution
<> RX
Mark Down Allowance
<> RY
Multiple Shipment Penalty
<> RZ
Opening Order Allowance
<> S1
Incorrect Pickup Address
<> S2
Charge for LTL Shipped on Consecutive Days
<> S3
Not Shipped on Date Authorized
<> S4
Shipped on Pallets
<> S5
Small Package Level Detail Insufficient
<> S6
Sort and Segregate Handling Charge
<> S7
Sort and Segregation Allowance Per Corporate Agreement
<> S8
Sort and Segregation Allowance Per Purchase Order
<> S9
Wrong Ship Point Per Purchase Order
<> SA
Paper Invoice Missing
<> SC
Service Cancelled
<> SD
Screening Deduction
<> SE
Paper Packing Slip Missing
<> SF
Shipping and Freight Charge
<> SG
Pickup Charge or Advanced Charges
<> SH
Presentation of Merchandise Not As Specified
<> SI
Purchaser Supplied Raw Material
<> SJ
Returns Freight Discrepancy
<> SK
Salary Discrepancy
<> SL
Student Loan Repayment
<> SM
Shipped Past Purchase Order Cancellation Date
<> SN
Should Be Shipped Collect, But Was Shipped Prepaid
<> SO
Should be Shipped Prepaid, But Was Shipped Collect
<> SP
Sales Promotion
<> SR
Store Contest Allowance
<> SS
Trade Discount
<> ST
Unauthorized Air Shipment-Chargeback is the Difference Between Air and Ground
<> SU
Unauthorized Air Shipment-Partial Freight Chargeback
<> SV
Unauthorized Air Shipment-Full Freight Chargeback
<> SW
Unauthorized or Incorrect Carrier
<> SX
Volume Break Chargeback
<> SY
Weight Break Chargeback
<> TA
Theatre Advance
<> TD
Total Deductions
<> TI
Transportation Issue
<> TL
Third Party Liability
<> UB
Uncollected Balance Charge Reversed
<> UL
Unable to Locate Account
<> VC
Value Date Incorrect for Credit
<> VD
Value Date Incorrect for Debit
<> VO
<> W6
Safety Violations
<> W8
<> W9
Noncooperation: Rehabilitation, Training, Education, Medical
<> WA
Actual Reduced Earnings
<> WB
Regular Wage Minus Disability Benefit
<> WC
Subrogation Recovery
<> WE
Weather-related Event
<> WH
Payment Partial
<> WO
Overpayment Recovery
<> WR
Deemed Reduced Earnings
<> WS
Special Fund Recovery
<> WT
Deductibles Recovery
<> WU
Unspecified Recovery
<> WW
Overpayment Credit
<> WX
Cost of Living
<> WY
Continuous Disability Period
<> WZ
Illegally Employed Minor
<> XA
Age 65 Reduction
<> XB
<> XC
Advance Reimbursement
<> XD
Individual Payment
<> XE
Employer Credit
<> XF
<> XG
Incorrect Cost
<> XH
Incorrect Unit of Measure
<> ZZ
Mutually Defined